COINAGE OF DENMARK’S FREE STATE: CHRISTIANIA — A History of Cash and Hash 1971-2014 Edited from the Danish by CJ Hinke

1 Apr


A History of Cash and Hash 1971-2014

Edited from the Danish

by CJ Hinke


M.M. 1971-2005

by Flemming Hansen

PDF English: Coinage of Denmark’s Free State – Christiania

PDF Danish: Christiania’s Betalingsmidler 1971-2005

Cover BCover F

Cover from Bjarne Castella’s article with photo by Christiania photographer “Krille” in the weekly magazine, RAPPORT  (REPORT) Autumn 1976. The lurid headline reads, “rapport man sold two well-fed hens in Christiania for a very special payment. It’s fat, man—a hard introduction to Christiania’s new money..”

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Editor’s Introduction

 Author’s Foreword

Table of Contents

Stories and history

 “1 Fed” (“1 joint”)  Nos. 1 to 12

Commemorative coinage 1 (Vagn Sorento Dichmann)

Nos. 50 – 55

“1 Klump” (“1 Lump” No. 100

Commemorative coinage 2 (“Gonzo” and others)

No. 150

Jewelry (Vagn Drachmann) Nos. 170 to 171

“1 Løn” (“1 Salary”) Nos. 200 to 208

Commemorative coinage 3 (Bent Jensen)

Nos. 250 to 252

Medals Nos. 280 & 280.1

Enameled ‘carfare’ tokens Nos. 300 to 302

Play coins Nos. 350 to 353

Paper currency Nos. 400 to 421

Appendices…and rumours

Bibliography and References

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When I first visited Copenhagen in 1986, I stayed with a close friend on Bådsmandsstræde, just outside the gates of the Christiania Free State. Free State…that sure sounded like a great idea! Think about it—shouldn’t we all be living in a free state???

Suffering from jetlag, I often wandered into Christiania late at night to drink Carlsberg beer, chased with caraway aquavit and Gammeldansk bitters at the Woodstock pub just next to Pusher Street. I’d often spend the hours there joking and dancing with native Greenlanders.

NO FOTO      Green Light District

Green Light District [Jeanette Mortensen]

Pusher Street was open all night and featured stalls selling the highest-quality hashish and cannabis from around the world. Some stalls were just basic tables with a menu card and price list; others were elaborate and fanciful booths, especially Alis “second from the right”, which featured its own posters of a Danish fed coner joint, stickers and t-shirts. Even pre-made joints available in plastic or aluminum cones were for sale.

The younger generation all over the world has grown up smoking hybrid-grown, often hydroponic, cannabis. It produces that sledgehammer effect on the third eye when smoked.


Old hippies like me prefer hashish. It comes traditionally made from many different countries in the middle and near east. The first hash I smoked, in New York, came from Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, in both blonde and red varietals, and has nearly disappeared due to decades of conflict; one can’t even find any Lebanese to smoke in Christiania.

Export-quality hashish is produced in Morocco’s Ketama area and Rif Valley, as kif powder and pressed into golden blocks. Afghani is world-famous among smokers. Hash from Pakistan is often sold as Afghani but can also be excellent quality. India’s Manali and Kashmiri district produce pliant, fragrant, sticky black plates. Nepal produces wonderful handmade ‘fingers’ and ‘temple balls’. Although rarely exported, hash is also a tradition in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey and even China’s Xinjiang.

 Polen gør det tilladt at ryge hash joints

These Viking Danes are fiercely perfectionist about their dope. A Danish cone joint is usually made by toasting cigarette tobacco with a lighter and adding crumbled hash. Often smokers will keep their own filters, made of ivory, meerschaum, tropical hardwoods, even aluminum. Or, in a pinch, using a paper filter, the joint is rolled using one-and-a-half rolling papers, thin at the filter end, widening to make a cone at the fire end, finished with a graceful twist, burned off before firing. That’s real smoking pleasure!

It is a mark of great pride to ‘pushers’ to be selling Christiania’s best smoking piece of the day.


And where else in the world could a tourist smoke great hash in a jordhuga (literally, earth pipe) with some people he’d just met?


ALIS was a stall on Pusher Street just opposite Woodstock, one of the first I discovered in my nightly forays. Great stash, today’s smoking piece, wonderful people, good conversation.

ALIS was founded by Albert Hatchwell and Isabelle Hammerich in 1996 and has evolved today to become a Danish-based, international skate clothing line in the heart of Copenhagen: In later police crackdowns, the pusher stalls were dismantled. Only one was preserved and reassembled in the Danish National Museum, “Snyder ryg med hjem”, “Snyder’s smoke take-away”.

 Xiania Lake

[Jesper Axel]

Christiania was as magical as it gets, still is. and <>. Surrounding the Stadsgraven lake between the Christianshavn and Amager communities, Christiania’s 850 residents live on 84 acres right in Copenhagen. That’s nearly a tenth-acre per person in one of Europe’s most beautiful and cosmopolitan cities.

christian4             99uo4

Christian IV                Christian V

Christiania was formed by military defence ramparts built for Denmark’s King Christian IV in 1617 and continued by his successor, Christian V. The Bådsmandsstræde barracks were occupied by Royal Artillery, Army Materiel, ammunition laboratories and depots.

The Christiania acreage was abandoned by the Danish military in 1971, ceded to the greater Copenhagen commune, and promptly taken over by a large segment of local hippies. By nature of its very structure, Christiania was designed to be defended by its residents. It was also the site of Denmark’s last executions, killing Ib Birkedal Hansen, a high-level Danish collaborator with the Nazi Gestapo.


Early one morning, when I walked up the canal to buy my breakfast of fresh Danish pastries at Christianshavn’s famous København Lagkagehuset, I happened to pass a glass storefront just below ground level with rainbow-painted cast-iron railings forming a mythical phoenix. In its window was a fascinating display of highly-detailed coins.

It took me many visits to find Vagn Sorento Dichmann in his workshop. When I did, I learned the story of Christiania’s alternative currency. Although I am an antiquarian, I had no knowledge of numismatic pursuits but I began to buy all coin vintages I could, a practice extending to this year.

Vagn's gold

Sorento’s gold

The coins were a magical reminder of Christiania I could bring home with me, even if I couldn’t smoke them! Some of the coins depicted in this very comprehensive, illustrated catalogue by Flemming Hansen are known by a single surviving example. No more than 10 of each coins were ever made to order in gold, commissioned by pushers, and often far fewer. In any case, most coins were limited to 200 pieces and thus are some of the world’s rarest currency and a unique part of Denmark’s colourful history.

Now you can own a part of Christiania and we encourage all readers to buy a share to support the community: <>.


Christiania is an ongoing, largely successful experiment in creating Utopian community and unique in the world. Christiania is self-sustaining and effectively solves its social problems by consensus of its residents. Christiania fosters the free spirit and the farthest reaches of creativity and entrepreneurship.

In addition to the inestimable scholarship of Flemming Hansen, I have also collated in this work the efforts of micronations coin collector, Chaim Dov Shiboleth. Both men are rather mysterious and private personages, only befitting what Wikipedia deigns to call “an anarchist community in Copenhagen”!

We prefer Fitzhugh Ludlow’s observations in The Hasheesh Eater (1857). He described the cannabis user as one who is searching for “the soul’s capacity for a broader being, deeper insight, grander views of Beauty, Truth ands Good than she now gains through the chinks of her cell”. That description has been my own experience of life in Christiania.

This English translation is dedicated to my late, dear friend, Mogens Morgensen, Bornholm, the Sutney Baba whom I first met in Kathmandu. He is deeply missed.

CJ Hinke

Bangkok 2555 BE

We welcome all additions and corrections from our readers. Items requiring further explanation are shown in boldface throughout the text.

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I am finally able to publish this catalog in collaboration with Henrik North Falk, who has been responsible for book design. The catalog is the most comprehensive list to date of all coins, commemorative medallions, jewelry and notes related to Christiania.

In this context I would like to thank: Vagn Sorento Dichmann for information on coin designs, number of entries, prices, loans etc.; Bent Jensen for information on his publications, “Stigman” and the bartenders at Nemoland for information about Vagn Drachmann releases, Viktor Søndergård for information on technical terms and other assistance, and last but not least to Jimmi Madsen for the story of the rise of the term “1 clove”.

Flemming Hansen

Alberton, 1 November 2005.

Note. Retail prices are indicative and were valid at the time of writing for a coin in good condition. The numismatic dealer price is somewhat lower. Prices are subject to future fluctuations.

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Pusherstreet [Jannik Svejdal]


“1 FED” (“1 Fatty”)

One story I have to tell I first heard a few years ago from a friend who had it from someone who had spent much time around the Stork Fountain in Copenhagen’s Walking Street in year mid-sixties. Before Christiania was taken over, packaged hash was weighed and priced, and then surrounding this area.

His story is about the rise of the term “1 clove” (the amount of cannabis used a chillum, approximately one gram). According to him the word occurred as code language amongst him and his friends.

Originally, the term “a bold mæIk” indicated “chocolate milk” since milk and smoothies soothe the throat when you smoke cannabis, they are often drunk when smoking chillum. Eventually “bold” was slipped in as code for cannabis.

“Fat”, used to mean “beautiful”, joints is so common it has been incorporated into Swedish slang via the Roskilde music festivals. In fact, Danish ‘cone’ joints of hashish and roasted tobacco are world-famous among connoisseurs and aficionados of cannabis culture.

The real story of Christiania coins is about ‘drug’ dealers, and why they ended up in Christiania.

In the summer of 1971 an odd assortment of hippies and dealers in Bådsmandsstræde moved into the yellow barracks property just at the edge of Christiania which now houses its sports club. There were many dealers using the entire second floor and some lived there.

Just Say NO

Flemming Jensen: “There were a lot of people living there, pushers, drunks and junkies, and the place was called Project Fabrik (Project Factory). It was never a nice place. But the Christiania message became, ‘Say NO to hard drugs’. Christiania is still the only place in Copenhagen where you won’t find hard drugs.

From the windows of the building was a full view of the barracks area, and this quickly became part of Christiania. For the first time, it was necessary to know where to find a local pusher at a private address in Christiania to buy hashish. Only later opened the Woodstock pub in the current Pusher Street as a café and an unofficial outlet for cannabis.

Discussions by Christiania residents emphasised complete withdrawal from conventional society. One of the first ideas was to create a currency that could only be used in Christiania. It was thought in this way the Christiania community might be able to largely free itself from the shackles of Christianshavn where Christiania is located and wider Copenhagen.

Unfortunately, the production of coins is unlawful, or so it was thought, because no one knew that only counterfeit currency is prohibited under the law. So when some dealers minted the first coinage in 1975, they prepare to release them in great secrecy.

The first coin was silver and should have the same value as the price of “1 Fed” (“1 Joint”).

Lifelong Christianshavn counterculture residents, Vagn Sorento Dichmann and Jens Olufsen Braarup got the task of making the coin. They were both young and hopeful, and both had their own businesses, respectively, as engraver and goldsmith.

Sorento says that the planning was done in the most obscure places, often at night, and that the participants were almost as obscure. Neither had experience in coin production, so dies were engraved with great difficulty.

It should also be mentioned that when Sorento and his partner Jens parted ways when the latter moved to America, they shared the dies and punches between them in such a way that neither of them could produce a new series of coin without the other’s participation. This really embodies the spirit of the Christiania free state.

This first Christiania coin was never any significant use, as the number in circulation was too small. Moreover, Christiania residents hoarded them away as souvenirs when the sales value quickly outstripped the use value.

The designs of “1 Fed” coins are artistically most interesting. They all related to daily life in Christiania or events of the year of release.

This is our history. Welcome to Christiania…


 “1 KLUMP” (“1 Lump”)

The coin “1 Klump” is unique to a single silver production. Its engraver is Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård, who is also the creator of a medallion with a portrait of Thorkild Weiss Madsen from the “peasant army” (See catalog No. 150).

Thorkild was a founder of Christiania and is best known for his protest theatre productions and his bicycle demonstrations over the Oresund bridge. He was a Copenhagen city council member from 1978 to 1981.

 “1 LØN” (“1 Salary”)

With the release of the coin series “1 Løn” in 1997, Christiania finally had its own currency for everyday transactions. The use value of these coins of brass and copper are determined based on one hour of work in Christiania, which is paid with “1 Løn” or around $8 US.

The price of silver coins varies by age and condition. “1 Løn” was engraved by Bent Jensen and is in contrast to the “1 Fed” die-stamped engravings.

Regnbuedalern (Rainbowdollar) paper currency

Nos. 400 to 402 were distributed at a single event at Charlottenborg in 1977, organized by the “rainbow people”.

Rainbow people lived in Christiania, but made several happenings at demonstrations around the city.

Rainbow money has never been a means of payment, but only been used for propaganda purposes. Note the text in small print on the banknotes: “For a cashless society”.

I could find no information about “Replacement Certificate” No. 410 but its proposal for free hash suggests Christiania so it is included here.

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“1 FED

Engraving and design: Vagn Sorento Dichmann.

 All Sorento’s silver coins have are minted from 925/1000 karat fine silver and in some cases “Fed” coins were also produced to special order in 22-karat gold (916/1000) indicated on the brink-edge with never more than ten pieces minted.

 The First Fed


1976 F S copy1976 B S copy

Illus 1

1976 F die copy1976 B die copy

Sorento’s original 1976 dies

 FS: “Christiania” in the ring, seen below, the horizontal cross bar of the ‘T’ refers to letters from ‘H’ to ‘I’ in the name. Above are two stylised houses: one in the centre and one obliquely upwards at right; above at left of the house in the centre is placed a new moon. The edge is elevated and narrow.

BS: Bottom shows a chillum, up from which rises a plume shaped like a snake. On the chillum’s edge,the year of issue is 1976. At left shows the three dots of the Christiania free state flag and at right inscription: “1 FED”. The back side is rotated 90 degrees relative to the front side.

Size: 10.5gms, 26mm, silver, approximately 450 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports fewer than 200.) There are also individual test coins produced in brass and copper.

Retail price: DKK 800 to 1200 (USD $135-200).



1977 F S copy1977 B S copy


Illus 2a & b

FS: In the middle is a stylised hemp flower with Christiania’s three dots in its centre. Around the edge is the legend: “CHRISTIANIA 1977” separated by two bands, including a peace pipe (useful for smoking hash) and a submachine gun crossed. The flat outside rim forms a circle of small pearls.

BS: At centre is a three-piece ornament with three encircled dots (as three yin-yang symbols). Outside between two circles of small pearls is found the legend: “1 FED” “CHRISTIANIA” separated by a crescent moon (left) and a brilliant sun (right).

(Shiboleth reports this coin may be found in two variants, one with a thick 1.5mm bezel and another with a thin 0.8mm bezel.)

Size: 10gms, 31mm a: In silver, approximately 200 pieces minted. b: In copper, approximately 450 pieces minted.

Price a: DKK 500 to 700 (USD $85-120) b: 300.00 to 500.00 (USD $50-85).



 1985 F S copy1985 B S copy

Illus 3

FS: In the middle and upper are braided, Celtic-style ornaments and at bottom, the legend: “CHRISTIANIA 1985 1 FED”. The year “1985” is much smaller than the rest of the legend. Small circle of squared pearls on the outer edge.

BS: In the middle are Christiania’s three dots with 12 naked dancing people in a circle. Along its edge are three dots six times.

Size: 10.5gms, 30mm, silver, approximately 200 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 600 to 800 (USD $100-135).



1988 F C copy1988 B S copy

Illus 4a & b

FS: The engraving is of a naked couple and a dog on a lawn, with the man caressing the woman’s pussy. At the bottom is the legend: “CHRISTIANIA” and at top the Morse code for the emergency signal SOS: (• • • — • • •). Its bezel rim is flat.

BS: Depicts Bogart-like police officer in charge, as he advances against drug dealers in Christiania’s Pusher Street. The dealers are represented by a joint between two fingers. At right is the inscription “1 FED” in outline style, and below, the year “1988”. At left under the Bogart-police chin is found Sorento’s signature. ‘Bogart’, of course, among smokers, means to hold onto a joint, rather than passing it on, just like the police!

Size: 10gms, 30mm a: In silver, approximately 200 pieces minted. b: In copper, approximately 200 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports this coin was also minted in brass but this is unconfirmed at press time.)

Price: As a set, including both a and b: DKK 500 to 700 (USD $85-120).



1993 F S copy1993 B S copy

Illus 5

FS: At the top is a hemp leaf and below the inscription: “CHRISTIANIA”. From the middle and down is seen a kite shape. A dragon’s tongue twists like a question mark on his tail, which bears the inscription: “1 FED”. Three of the dragon’s feet grip Christiania’s three balls. Left of the balls are the year “1993” and at right Sorento’s signature. The coin has a rounded bezel edge.

BS: Modernistic Viking design shows a triangular ornament at centre in turbulent flow. Around its three spiral ornaments is shown a mythical hydra among other ornamentation.

Size: 30mm, Silver, approximately 200 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 400 to 500 (USD $70-85).



1997 F B copy1997 B S copy1997 B G copy


Illus 6a & b*)

FS: The coin’s centre field is designed as a face where ‘1 ‘is a nose and the inscription: “FED” is the mouth, ‘1’ flanked by two half-closed stylised Buddhist eyes. Above ‘1’ is seen Christiania’s three dots and over the year “1997” (within the forehead wrinkles on the face), ‘1’ and “FED” are in boldface. Along the edge is the legend “CHRISTIANIA DANMARK” separated by Sorento’s signature at left and, at right, the 1995 celestial event, the Hale-Bopp comet. Narrow and broad bands circle that edge.

BS: Slightly above the coin centre is seen triple swirl ornaments with three dots in each part, bypassing this is the Old Norse Jǫrmungandr (or Midgarðsormr) serpent who surrounds the Earth and bites his own in his twisted tail. An outer bezel is scribed with two stamped circles.

Shiboleth reports only 15 pieces were minted bearing the edge-stamp “E.T.” (“Eget Tryk” “Hand-engraved”.

Size: 30mm a: In silver, 11gms, approximately 200 pieces minted. b: In brass, 11gms, approximately 200 pieces minted. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, number unknown.

Price:  As a set (including both a & b): DKK 500.00 to 600.00 (USD $85-100).



1998 F C copy1998 B S copy

Illus 7a & b *)

FS: In the middle are Christiania’s three orbs and above is the inscription: “1 FED” and below Christiania’s three orbs, “STADEN” (“STATE”). Along the edge is located the legend “CHRISTIANIA DENMARK”, separated by the year “1998” at left and Sorento’s signature at right). The edge is enclosed by a round convex bezel.

BS: In Viking style, depicts three mythical hydras with bifurcated tails, one portion of each tail almost encircles a ball representing Christiania.

Size: 30mm a: In silver, 13.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. b: In copper, 11.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: As a set (including both a & b): DKK 500 to 600 (USD $85-100).



 2000 F S copy1999 F C copy1999 B S copy

Illus 8a & b *)

FS: From the middle to bottom we see a dove of peace with a hemp leaf cluster in its beak, above which appear 11 seagulls with “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” at their head. To the left of the peace dove is found Sorento’s signature and at right the year: “1999”. Over the gulls is the legend “CHRISTIANIA” in outline. Behind and under the peace dove are seen line patterns depicting turf. The coin is surrounded by a rounded raised bezel.

BS: In the middle an ornament shaped like striking surface of a wicker carpet-beater is flanked at the top of the twice times three dots above the inscription: “1 FED” in outline. Within the ornament is the inscription: “DANMARK”. Along the edge of the right and the left side is positioned equal line patterns of centimetre and millimetre divisions on a ruler. The edge bears a circle of small pearls.

Size: 30mm a: In silver, 13.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. b: In copper, 11.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 500 to 600 (USD $85-100).



2000 F S copy2000 B C copy

Illus 9a & b *)

FS: The design centres on a marijuana leaf cluster, the centre leaf of which shows a sprout looking like a ‘1’ and over the stem, the inscription “FED” in outline. Along the edge are inscribed “CHRISTIANIA” and “DANMARK” with twice three balls. The coin has a wide bezeled edge.

BS: Depicted is the Christiania lake, Stadsgraven, at the newly restored Dyssebro, which connects the Christianshavn and Amager communes. On the bridge are glimpsed three people, two of whom are riding horses. In the foreground is a swan with the year “2000” placed on the body in outline. Over the swan is are three at symbols [“@“] (Christiania started its own website in this year), including Sorento’s signature. The coin’s rim is flat.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 13,5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”.. b: In copper, 11.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 500 to 600 (USD $85-100).



2002 F C copy2002 B S copy


Illus 10a & b *)

FS: In the middle is the inscription “1 FED” in handwriting; “1” forms part of the “F” within the intricate ornaments. Merged with the lower part of the word “FED” is the year “2002”. Along the edge is the legend: “CHRISTIANIA” and “FRISTADEN I DANMARK” (“FREESTATE IN DENMARK”). The rim consists of three bands; the middle band is knurled.

BS: In the centre is a pointed dot around which sit six people, three of whom have arms intertwined. Also seen are the knees of the six designed as hearts. The coin bears a raised edge.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted.; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. b: In copper, 11.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, number unknown.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 500 to 600 (USD $85-100).



 2003 F S copy2003 B G copy

Illus 11a & b *)

The coin is designed to spin on its centre, making the dogs chase each other’s tails.

FS: In the centre is a raised point (upon which the coin may be spun) and just above, the year “2003”. In the middle is seen Pusher Street, including a stylised image of the sign for “Photography prohibited” at the bottom. The image bears an open circle opening towards the sky. Wide raised bezel edge. Between the open circle and the bezel edge is the legend: “CHRISTIANIA” and “DANMARK” separated by Viking knot ornaments.

BS: At centre is the inscription “1 FED” in handwriting,  ‘1’ formed by the ‘F’ and ‘D’. Three dogs circle, within one can be found Sorento’s signature. In front of the head of the same dog are Christiania’s orbs placed in a shield, the centre of which forms the spinning point, at the right of the following dog is the crest of the Danish military’s Defence Construction Service, consisting of Copenhagen’s ancient pentagonal defence ramparts; in front of the third dog appears the Copenhagen city coat of arms which also include the ancient defence walls surrounding Christiania.

Defence Construiction Service             Copenhagen

Size: 30mm a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. b: In copper, 12gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 500 to 600 (USD $85-100).

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No fed was released in 2004.

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12f-2005g 12b-2005g

Illus 12a & b *)

FS: In the coin’s centre is a phoenix rising from flames which became the symbol of Christiania’s situation after a police crackdown in 2004.  Between this ornament and the central figure at the top appears the legend “CHRISTIANIA” with the bird’s head feathers as the delimiter and at bottom “DANMARK”. At left is the signature “Sorento”. Wide bezel edge.

BS: An ‘angry’ bee in a beehive. In the hive’s cells at top are seen bees’ larvae in a vertical row of cells. At right centre are three happy larvae depicted as ‘smileys’. At far right is a cell with an angry caterpillar, and below the three ‘smilies’ is found a screaming caterpillar (Edvard Munch’s painting, ‘The Scream’, had just been stolen from its museum in Oslo). Beneath the bees is the inscription “1 Bold” in outline style and at left the year “2005” both written as angular runes. The rim is formed by six points (a sexagonal cell, like the cells in a beehive), which encloses the coin design. This motif can be seen as a symbol of Christiania’s individual areas and its residents’ reactions to the closure of Pusher Street.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. b: In copper, 12gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; Shiboleth reports that 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 500 to 600 (USD $85-100).


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Although Hansen states no coin or medal is recorded for 2006, Shiboleth includes this coin. No illustration or description so far.

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Lake Guardian

Lake Guardian [Jeanette Mortensen]


 2006 F S copy2006 B C copy

Illus 13

FS: Stylised waves with eight ornaments in the bezel. BETTER DESCRIPTION NEEDED.

BS: Scene of Christiania lake houses, featuring toward top, pyramid house [BUILT BY HELGE IN    ] toward right side and horned bull toward left side. Toward bottom, there is a paddling boater on the Stadsgraven at left side and a large swan at right. Large legend “CHRISTIANIA” toward top edge, smaller “FRISTADEN I DANMARK” toward bottom. Squared outer bezel features Christiania’s three dots eight times, separated by ornaments. This is the first appearance of the pyramid house situated close to the shores of Christiania’s bucolic lake; the pyramid appears again on the 2008 løn coin in Illustration 212.   BETTER DESCRIPTION NEEDED.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. In copper, 12gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: Silver and copper set: 400DKK ($58 USD). In gold, 10000 DKK ($1455USD).

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Not catalogued in Hansen, Shiboleth reports a silver,  copper and gold “fed” for 2007; no illustration or description so far.

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2008 F S copy2008 B C copy

Illus 15

FS: “Christiania 1Fed” in modern script at centre with “DANMARK” toward lower left edge. Roped bezel.

BS. Jester juggling Christiania’s three balls and holding a staff topped with a hemp leaf cluster. Wide rounded bezel holds Christiania’s three balls twice with motto between. At top, “UDEN VANVID” (“WITHOUT MADNESS”); at bottom, “INTET OPRØR” (“NO REBELLION”). Not a bad motto, eh?

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. In copper, 12gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: Silver and copper set: 400DKK ($58 USD). In gold, 10000 DKK ($1455USD).


2009 F S copy2009 B C copy

Illus 16

FS: Clown juggling Christiania’s three balls, standing on one leg, the clown’s foot stands on the Danish Royal crown. A statue of “Blind Justice” faces the clown, blindfolded, holding a staff and scales. Surrounded by a hatched ring including four ornaments, rounded bezel.

BS: “CHRISTIANIA” is shown left-leaning with “1 Fed” in decorated Continental script beneath it under which is “DANMARK”. The border includes Christiania’s three circles at top to left of which is “2009” and right Sorento’s signature; the remainder of the border is decorated with a long chain helix containing ovoids.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. In copper, 12gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: Silver and copper set: 400DKK ($58 USD). In gold, 10000 DKK ($1455USD).

° ° °

No “fed” was issued in 2010 or 2011.

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 1981 Dog S copy2012 F G copy2012 B S copy

Illus 17

FS: Shows an owl curving around the right side. The owl is smoking a hookah appearing at left with smoke curling above its bowl, around the vase of which appears Sorento’s signature. The ornamented “1” appears to the left of the owl’s wing beneath which is written “FED” both in outline. Square bezel edge.

BS: Centre spiral surrounded by a lotus. Squared bezel surrounds “FRISTADEN I DANMARK” at top and “CHRISTIANIA” at bottom.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. In copper, 12gms, approximately 200 pieces minted; 10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: Silver and copper set: 400DKK ($58 USD). In gold, 10000 DKK ($1455USD).


Untitled 2Untitled 3

FS: Bears the legend “REALISER DINE DRØMMER” [REALISE YOUR DREAM]. Below the motto on right side “1 FED 2013” is enclosed in a spiral. To the left is the new main entrance arch into Christiania. Below the right post of the arch is a fist smashing a line of coke (say NO to hard drugs!) toward bottom as the handle of the Grim Reaper’s scythe, curved blade at bottom right. Circled by a square bezel.

BS: Features a Chink-eyed frog smoking a chillum and surrounding by drifting smoke. Below to right is “Sorento”’s signature in script. At centre are Christiania’s three dots, each in the shape of a spiral shell. Both frog and Shiva’s Eye shell images come from Sorento’s beach visit to Koh Phangnan Thailand this year (and perhaps the dream, too!). Circled by a square bezel.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, 250 minted; [10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”] b: In copper, 12gms, 250 minted; [15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. ???] c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, [edge stamped “E.T.” ???], number unknown.

Price: Copper: 250; Silver: 250; In 22-karat gold, 20grams DKK 10000 (USD $1750).


Amager to Copenhagen Bicycle Path Commemorative Fed

Untitled 2Untitled 3

FS: The 2014 Fed commemorates the completion of the Danish government’s five-year plan for a bicycle path starting in the adjacent island community of Amager and extending through Christiania, with three new bridges built over the harbour, and ending in the Copenhagen city centre. The coin bears a relaxed Christiania resident riding a Pedersen bicycle wearing a hat and smoking a Danish spliff with smoke drifting. At left, two racers disturbing the peace on the path through Christiania cut him off. Between the two bicyclists read “1” above a stylised “Fed”; both feature incised lines. At left bottom is 2014 and at right between the bicycle wheels, the signature “Sorento” in script. Circled by a square bezel.

BS: “CHRISTIANIA” in large letters curved beneath a square bezel. Christianshavn was granted a town shield in the 15th-century but Christiania itself never had one…until now! At centre under the text is a Viking shield bearing Christiania’s three dots diagonally from upper right to lower left. Beneath and on each side of this shield are two howling wolves sitting upon a pennant reading “LIBERTAS”, their forefeet resting on each side between which “DANMARK” curves above bezel at bottom. Circled by a square bezel.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, 250 minted; [10-15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”.] b: In copper, 12gms, 250 minted; [15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. ???] c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, [edge stamped “E.T.” ???], number unknown.

Price: Copper & Silver set 450DKK. In 22-karat gold, 20grams, DKK 10000 (USD $1750).

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Commemorative Medals 1

by Vagn Sorento Dichmann


 10th Anniversary

1981 Dog S copy

Illus 50

FS. At centre is a stylised dog’s head (symbolising dog years) with a cannabis leaf cluster on its neck surrounded by three children holding hands. The background is the night sky with stars. The legend reads: “CHRISTIANIA 10 ÅR 1981” (“CHRISTIANIA 10 YEARS 1981”) separated by three balls. Narrow edge bears a circle of pearls.

BS. Blank polished silver or engraved with an issue number.

Size: 11.5gms, 30mm, In silver, approximately 200 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 500 (USD $85).



 1984 Karneval C copy

Illus 51a & b

The medal was issued on the occasion of Christiania’s participation in the 1984 Christianshavn carnival.

FS: At centre is a fantasy figure with a question mark to the right. At top is the inscription: “KARNEVAL 84″ and below “FRI FANTASIEN” (“FREEDOM OF IMAGINATION”). In front of ‘the F’ in ‘FRI’ is found Sorento’s signature. Within the jagged, narrow edge is circle of small beads.

BS. Blank polished silver or copper, also seen engraved with an issue number. ?

Size: 10.5gms, 30mm a: In silver, approximately 30 pieces minted. b: In copper, approximately 30 pieces minted.

Price: a: DKK 600 (USD $100) b: DKK (USD $50).



 1984 Punk S copy

Illus 52

The medal is a free “copy” of the 1980 10-kroner coin.

FS: At centre is a relief of a punk-style head with comb, Mohawk and maryjane earring. Within the head is found Sorento’s signature; below it is placed Christiania’s three dots and the year “1984”. Around the head is placed the inscription: “CHRISTIANIA DANMARK FRISTADEN” and beyond this a circle of tiny balls. Raised bezel edge.

BS. Blank polished silver or engraved with an issue number. ?

Size: 30mm, In silver, approximately 200 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports fewer than 100.)

Price: DKK 500 (USD $85).



20th Anniversary


Illus 53

FS: At centre is a dog with pointed ears and elaborately curled tail. Around the dog is  the inscription: “CHRISTIANIA 1971 20 ÅR 1991” (“CHRISTIANIA 1971 20 YEARS 1991”). Along the plain outer edge are 16 x 3 dots.

BS: Features a Viking ornament in six sections radiating from the centre point of a circle. The six parts of the ornament are divided into three pairs with Christiania’s three balls separating each.

Size: 30mm, In silver, 13.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 500 (USD $85).



25th Anniversary

1996 F S copy1996 B G copy

Illus 54a & b

1996 B die copy

Original BS die

FS: At centre is the number “25” in which the ‘2’ consists of a stylised swan and the ‘5’ of a dragon with a Christiania flag on its tail. From the dragon’s mouth begins an ornament which forms the boundary to the legend. This reads: “CHRISTIANIA 1971 • • • 1996”. Within the number “25” is Sorento’s signature. Rounded bezel edge.

BS: At centre is a Renaissance fool juggling Christiania’s three orbs, standing in an opening in a curved wall which divides earth and sky in the style of  yin and yang. Beyond the wall are houses. The houses  symbolise Christianshavn. The wall around the then Bådsmandsstræde barracks was destroyed to create Christiania in 1971. Outside this is a thin ring and very slightly wider ring at edge. Among these is the legend “”I KAN IKKE SLÅ OS IHJEL VI ER EN DEL AF JER SELV” (“YOU CANNOT KILL US WE ARE A PART OF YOURSELF”).

Size: 35mm, a: In silver, 19.5gms, approximately 200 pieces minted. b: In eight-karat gold-plated copper, approximately 200 pieces minted. Only known by roughly five examples left as ungilt copper. c: In 750/1000 (18-karat) gold, only ten pieces were minted.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 900 (USD $150). Due to the larger size of this issue, the gold mintage would have cost at least DKK 15000 (USD $2600) in 18-karat fine.

 Pasted Graphic 1

[Mark Zanzig]

 Vor Frelse Kirke (“The Church of our Saviour”) 300th Anniversary

 1996 Kirke F S copy1996 Kirke B G copy


 Perhaps our decision to include Sorento’s Vor Frelse Kirke commemorative may be questioned in a catalogue of Christiania coins for collectors. However, the church’s magnificent and graceful early rococo spiral spire, dominates every view in Christiania, where its 48-bell Dutch Petit & Frisen carillon is heard calling the hours.

The weary and the faithful, including many Christiania residents and more than 8,000 parishioners regularly visit and attend services and concerts, frequently featuring the church’s 1698 Botzen  brothers ‘Stradivarius of organs’, are often performed in the church’s cavernous acoustic space.

The church was consecrated on April 19, 1696 by Danish absolute monarch Christian V to serve as part of the defence fortifications for Copenhagen, having been constructed on land reclaimed from the sea. Court architect Lambert van Haven took 14 years to build Vor Frelse Kirke in a Palladian-Netherlandic style.

Its artuful 90-metre tower, designed by architect Lauritz de Thurah and commissioned by Christian VI, built entirely of gilded copper-clad oak, only appeared fifty years later. Many churchgoers think its fanciful fully baroque appearance distracts from the church’s seriousness of purpose in saving the faithful.


King Christian’s monogram is seen throughout the church as are elephants, the symbol of the highest decoration of the Danish monarchy, the Elefantordenen, dating from the 15th century and Christian I.


The ramparts of the adjacent Christiania fortifications, begin in 1618, predate the church, and were added to through the early 20th century until the Christiania Free State was established.  Vor Frelser Kirke approached Vagn Dichmann to make these fundraising medals because of his Christiania coins.


FS: A smooth background bears Vor Frelse Kirke’s famous steeple. Enclosed within a double-round bezel, “VOR FRELSE KIRKE” appears at top, “1696” to left and “1996” to right of the church’s  bell tower.

BS: A lamb is depicted at centre standing on a field of grass, mushrooms and flowers. It carries the Christian Crusaders standard crooked in its right foreleg. The bifurcated standard is held aloft by a bar bearing a ball at each end which is hung by a lanyard from the centre bar of a staff in the form of the Christian cross surmounted by three balls. Celestial beams radiate from the standard. Enclosed by two rounded bezels the Latin inscription “ECCE AGNUS DEI” (“BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD”) appears at upper left. “Sorento”’s signature appeass in script at lower left and “HAFNIA” , meaning ‘harbour’ in mediaeval Latin is shown at bottom centre. Hafnia was the original name for Copenhagen, a Viking harbour founded in the 10th century; this became Kjøbmannehavn in Viking meaning ‘merchant harbour’ and then København in modern Danish.





2001 F G copy2001-B copy2001 B G copy

Illus 55a & b

FS. At centre, with a dog as background, the number “30” where the ‘3 ‘and ‘0’ are intertwined is seen. The figure is in outline style, and is decorated with 26 dots. At the dog’s legs are two hull ornaments. The dog and the figure appear on a stylised field with the inscription: “2001”. The lawn ends at each end are cabled to a sphere. The dog’s stylised upturned tail bears the inscription “1971” and ends in a twist with a ball. The three balls represent separate points in the margin “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA DANMARK”. On the the rim is a circle of three bands.

BS. Christiania’s skateboard park. On the coin’s lower part can be seen two skateboarders and above seven spectators are watching. Christiania boys (where are those girls?!?) won the World Cup of Skateboarding this year. At right one skateboard bears Sorento’s signature.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, approximately 200 pieces minted. b: In copper, approximately 200 pieces minted.

Price: As a set (including both a & b), DKK 500 (USD $85).


40th Anniversary

2011 F C copy2011 B G copy

Illus 56

FS: “CHRISTIANIA” appears at top, with Christiania’s three balls within its arc below, beneath which is “1971 − 2011”. The image in the lower half is a masked anarchist throwing a bouquet of flowers. Beneath the throwing arm is Sorento’s signature. This figure appears to have the “GRIB!” (“GRIPE!”) coming from his face; the exclamation point is twice the height of this motto and extends above to fit between “- 2011” on the upper line. To the right of the anarchist appear three large hearts symbolising Christiania’s three circles beneath which appear “til dig” (“to you”—the recipient of the bouquet) in script. Square bezel edge.

BS: In the form of a Zodiac natal chart containing Greek letters and runes in the divided outer border; the inner circle is also divided with mystic signs appearing in each segment. The central circle divided into four parts forms a “0” superimposed over a “4” which extends just beyond the inner border of the outer circle. Within the centre circles segments at top “20” “09”, at bottom “19” “71”. Flat outer bezel.

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, 14.5gms, unknown number minted; 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. b: In copper, 12gms, unknown number minted; 15 pieces were minted edge-stamped with “E.T.”. c: A special issue was minted in 22k gold, edge stamped “E.T.”, number unknown.

Price: In 22-karat gold, DKK 10000 (USD $1750)

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“1 Klump” (“1 lump, or smoking-piece”)

by Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård

and designed by Donald “Auger” Hansen,

cast by Martin Lesak.


 20th Anniversary


Illus 100

FS. At centre Christiania’s flag is flying from a flagpole. At the bottom is the numeral “1 KLUMP”; ‘1’ is the ‘L’ and ‘M’ in ‘lump’. To the sides and upwards is the legend: “1971 CHRISTIANIA 1991” (the 20-year anniversary of Christiania’s founding) and ends with a dot at each end. Narrow and wide bezel rings form the border.

BS. At centre is a stylised marijuana leaf cluster. Along the edge is the legend: “LEV “OG LAD ANDRE LEVE” (“LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVE”).

Size: 26mm in diameter and 3.5 mm thick, cast silver, 9.6gms, seen both with and without a number on the outer circle, approximately 250 pieces minted. Shiboleth reports the “Klump” was also available in gold with fewer than 10 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 700 (USD $120).

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 Commemorative pendant 2

by Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård and

designed by Sander Nielsen,

cast by Martin Lesak.



Illus 150

FS. Features a bust of Thorkild Weiss Madsen on a textured field. The narrow ring surrounding the bust bears the legend at top “1971 – CHRISTIANIA 25 ÅR – 1996“; at bottom “1976 – BONDEHÆREN – 1996″ (“1976 – BOND ARMY – 1996”). The edge is narrow. The medal was minted by coincidence in the same year Madsen died in Sweden. Thorkild Weiss Madsen (1941-1996) was an early Christiania resident and confirmed socialist who won a seat on the Copenhagen city council. He was instrumental in banning hard drugs from Christiania. Sorento: “Thorkild Weiss…was involved in all demonstrations against the rich” and spoke up for the weak and poor, “a kind of Robin Hood. He had a big, deep voice and made fun of everything. He would never have allowed someone to make a medal of him but he died the same year, so he could not do anything!” The medal was made for a 20-year celebration since Thorkild had organiseds an “‘army of farmers’ inspired by a revolt in 1549 A.D.”: Kett’s Rebellion <’s_Rebellion>.

BS. Polished silver with “STERLING” marked at the bottom.

Size: 32mm with soldered ring at top for wearing on a necklace. Approximately 60 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 600 (USD $100).

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Watch-fob or keychain ornament

by Vagn Drachmann


Illus 170

From a tea-shirt designed by Thomas Cenius, then modified as cast jewelry.

FS. At centre is a bust in relief of a North American Indian chief smoking a distinctive Danish coner joint, reminiscent of America’s ‘cigar store Indians’ used in advertising. The Indian wears a feather headdress. A wide ring surrounding the bust bears the legend in English “Say NO to hard drugs” flanked by two pot leaf clusters at right and left, beneath the bust “Cafe Nemoland” is inscribed.

After the occupation of Christiania, ‘Mr. Nemo’ (who are you???) began to sell fruit and vegetables from a cement barracks topped with sod at the present location. Many smokers and sunbathers often relax on Nemoland’s roof with music concerts playing in front of the cafe below.

Nemoland became an undercover tavern and home to the ‘Bullshit’ Motorcycle Club. Bullshit’s violence and dealing threatened to close Christiania. Bullshit walks.

Cafe Nemoland’s mascot has long been a smoking Indian with the motto above. See:


BS. Depicted is a relief of the mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion. The surrounding ring bears the legend “CHRISTIANIA” flanked by the year “1971” at left and “1996” at right, Christiania’s 25th anniversary. At the bottom of the ring are Christiania’s three balls.

Size: 32mm in diameter and about 4mm thick, cast silver. A solder lug holds a chain with 10 joints finished with a carabiner. Approximately 100 pieces minted.

Price: DKK 500 (USD $85).



Illus 171

No photo; depiction shows only one mold used for the lost wax process of its production.

FS. The piece, which is pierced, consists of a 1.2 mm circular ring at the top frame a traditional Christianshavn city house flanked by trees on both sides. Below this scene is an arch bearing the inscription “CHRISTIANIA” in pierced letters and framed above and below. In the lower field a lotus flower is seen in silhouette. Both the trees at the top and bottom of the flower break out of the circular outer ring two to 2.3 mm.

Size: 32 mm, a: In silver, only two pieces minted, b: In gold, three pieces minted.

Price: Undetermined.

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“1 Løn” (“1 Salary”)

by Bent Jensen.

All silver coins of the type: “1 Løn ” is produced to a fineness of 925/1000.

“The Snail” løn


 97 B lon

Illus 200a, b & c

FS. At centre is seen a Christiania flag flying from a flagpole. Beneath this flag a common garden snail. In the surrounding field is the legend “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA” above and “”LEV OG LAD ANDRE LEVE” (“LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVE”) at the bottom. Punctuated between them is the year: “1997”, divided with with ’19’ at left and ’97’ at right. The rim is a raised bezel with serrations at its inner edge.

BS. At centre a bold, rifled “1” ‘in outline style upon a backdrop of marijuana leaf cluster. Over the leaf stalk is a pennant with split ends, three Christiania dots on both left and right sides, and in between those a prominent heart. Beneath the heart along the lower edge is the coin’s currency, “LØN”. On the outer two leaves are a brilliant sun that surrounds the Sanskrit universal seed mantra (OM) at left, and a lotus flower at right. Surrounded by a raised bezel inside of which is a is a circle of oval beads. On the verge of the silver coin is stamped “925”.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 200 pieces minted. b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports approximately 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports approximately 200 pieces minted.)


Price: DKK 300 to 400 (USD $50-70). The copper and brass issues are determined by use value as wages. DKK 50 ((USD $8.50) in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.

“The Laundry Coin”


 98 B lon

Illus 201c

FS: Identical to No. 200 except for the year, which is here “1998”, with minor modification to the garden snail. This issue was made specially to use in Christiania’s resident laundry.

BS: Identical to No. 200.

Size: 30mm, a. In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports approximately 200 pieces minted.)

Price: DKK 50 kroner (USD $8.50) in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.


“Bike Wagon” løn


202 b&c

Illus 202b & c

FS: Features a man on a Mikael Pedersen bicycle (the special Christiania model with box at front, reimagined by Jesper Sølling in 1978). In the box are two children, one child plays the guitar and the other holds a rod with knob, on which flies a large Christiania flag. Legend, background field and edge are identical to No. 200 but the year inscribed is “1999”.

BS: The back is almost identical with No. 200, however, the sun has moved to the right leaf edge, and the lotus flower has been replaced with a heart in a circle on the left leaf edge. In addition, the heart on the pennant replaced by the same snail, which appeared on the front face of the coin in the two previous versions (Nos. 200 & 201).


Pedersen, “The Bentley of Bicycles”


 Christiania Bike


Size: 30mm, a: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number.  (Shiboleth reports approximately 200 pieces minted.) b: In brass, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports approximately 200 pieces minted.)

There is a single specimen in silver, though more may be discovered. Value undetermined.

Price: DKK 50 kroner (USD $8.50) in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.


“Mistake” løn


No illustration has surfaced at press time.

One of the rarest løns, the coin is a combination of separate numbers, No. 202’s front side and No. 203’s rear panel (see the images of those respective numbers).

Size: 30mm, a: In silver, number minted unknown. (Shiboleth reports 10 pieces minted.). b: In copper, number minted unknown (Shiboleth reports 10 pieces minted.). c: In brass, number minted unknown. (Shiboleth reports 10 pieces minted.).

Price: The original, uncirculated, mint, issue price for a set of all three coins was DKK 300 kroner (USD $50).


“Sunny Money” løn



Illus 203a, b &

FS. At centre is a face with elaborate hair, likely the mythical Medusa with hair of snakes to turn men to stone. The head was designed by the late Laurie Grundt, one of Christiania’s many artists. He seems to have an interest in currency seen here.


Laurie Grundt, “artmoney”

The coin’s edge, background and legend are identical to No. 200, however, the year has been changed to “2000”.

BS. Identical to No: 202, but the ornaments have both been removed from the cannabis leaf edges and the number “1” has been reduced in size.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 300 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.)

Price: a: DKK 200 to 300 kroner (USD $35-50), b & c: DKK 50  kroner (USD $8.50) in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.

 2010-07-24 Yellow Wagtail for blog                         eurasian-wren-gaerdsmutte_Martien-Brand_web

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yellow wagtail                                                            Eurasian wren

                                                                                                                                                                                                               [Birding Copenhagen]                                                 [Copenhagen Post]


“The Wren” løn


 01 B lopn

Illus 204a, b & c

FS: At centre is a stylised wagtail with the anniversary legend “1971 – 2001” written in a quarter circle above. The edge, background and legend are identical to No. 200, however, the year has been changed to “2001”.

BS: Identical to No. 203.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 300 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.)

Price: a: DKK 200 to 300 kroner (USD $35-50). b & c: DKK 50 kroner in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.

Also claimed is a combination of No. 204’s FS and 201’s BS, if this is accurate, that variant should be described as: 204.1a, b or c.


“Lotus Flower” løn



Illus 205a, b & c

FS: At centre is seen a lotus flower on a background of the historic Christianshavn skyline featuring the landmark Vor Freiser Kirke with its spiral steeple. The edge, background and legend is identical to No. 200, however, the year has been changed to “2002”.

BS: Identical to No. 203.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 300 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.)

Price: a: DKK 200 to 300 kroner (USD $35-50). b & c: DKK 50 kroner in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.


“Love Coin” løn

with Cosmic Morten 


 2003 C B2003 C F

Illus 206a, b & c

FS: At centre is seen a naked couple sitting in an incipient embrace flanked by grass and flowers on a background of three typical Christiania houses from its military past. The edge, background and legend are identical to No. 200, however, the year has been changed to “2003”.

BS: The back is identical to No. 203.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 300 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 100 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.6gms, a large but undetermined number. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.)

Price: a: DKK 200 to 300 kroner (USD $35-50). b & c: DKK 50 kroner in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.


“Public Light” løn

with Sven Aage


 04 B lon

Illus 207a, b & c

FS: In the middle of the field are three different styles of hats and an oil lamp. At top left a top hat, which is based on a square pillar, which at the bottom is again becomes cylindrical at its base. At top right, an oil lamp and men’s hat with ribbon; under the brim is shown a stylised face. (The subject is taken from a poster.) WHAT POSTER? At bottom left is a flat straw boater hat with ribbons. The background above and below is cross-hatched. The edge, background and legend are identical to No.200, however, the year has been changed to “2004”.

BS: Identical to No. 203.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 300 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 100 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.)

Price: a: DKK 200 to 300 kroner (USD $35-50). b & c: DKK 50 kroner in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.


“The Masks” løn

with Leif Asterix


 05 C lon B05 S lon F

Illus 208a, b & c

FS: At centre are two smiling masks, a tower and a stylised bird, elements from the famous Christiania artist William Skotte Olsen pictured here to honour his memory. The edge, background and legend are identical to No, 200, however, the year has been changed to “2005”.

BS: Identical to No. 203.  In the issue seen, the back of the silver coin is rotated 180 degrees to its face.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, approximately 300 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 100 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.) c: In brass, 11.5gms, a large but undetermined number minted. (Shiboleth reports 200 pieces minted.)

Price: a: DKK 200 to 300 kroner (USD $35-50). b & c: DKK 50 kroner in uncirculated condition may be the highest price realised.


“Grey Hall” løn


 06 S lon F210b-2006c

Illus 209

FS: Features Christiania’s ‘Grey Hall’ and houses, full moon toward upper right, Christiania’s three circles on a diagonal in centre. BETTER DESCRIPTION NEEDED. Reads “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA” around top edge, “20” at left edge, “06” at right edge, with “LEV OG LAD ANDRE LEVE”  around bottom edge inside bezel.

BS: Similar to No. 208 but with larger leaves. Christiania’s dots appear at leaf edges right and left with the third dot being formed by the stylistically-adjusted garden snail below.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, 100 pieces minted. b: In copper, 12gms, 200 pieces minted. c: In brass, 11.5gms, 200 pieces minted.

“Banana” løn


1__#$!@%!#__06 C lon B06 C lon F

Illus 209a, b & c

FS: Three Christiania houses seen from above, in particular, the  Banana house with Donald Mint. A full moon appears toward upper right, Christiania’s three circles on a diagonal in centre. Reads “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA” around top edge, “20” at left edge, “06” at right edge, with “LEV OG LAD ANDRE LEVE” around bottom edge inside bezel.

BS: Similar to No. 208 but with larger leaves.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, 100 pieces minted. b: In copper, 12gms, 200 pieces minted. c: In brass, 11.5gms, 200 pieces minted.

Variant “25th Anniversary” løn



Illus 210

FS: “The Grey Hall” with Nils Jensen below which appears “FORNT“ [“RENEW”] below which appears “CHRISTIANIA” below which appears “1971-1996” with border inside bezel identical to No. 209.

BS: Identical to No. 209.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, 100 pieces minted b: In copper, 12gms, 200 pieces minted & c: In brass, 11.5gms, 200 pieces minted.



Snowy egret

[DC Birding]

“Liberating Nature” løn



Illus 211

FS: “Liberating Nature” with Leif Asterix & Henrik Schütze features Christiania’s skyline in background, the city’s moat, Stadsgraven lake, in foreground with snowy egret (not wagtail!). The inscription around the bezel edge is identical to No. 209.

BS: Identical to No. 209.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, 125 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 100 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, 200 pieces minted & c: In brass, 11.5gms, 200 pieces minted.

Pyramid House

[Doctor Casino]

“Helge’s Pyramid” løn



Illus 212

FS: Toward upper right appears the legend “FESTEN” (“PARTY”). Below the pyramid house appears “CHRISTIANIA”. The inscription around the bezel edge is identical to No. 209.

BS: Identical to No. 209.

Size: 30mm, a: In .999 silver, 14gms, 125 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 100 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, 200 pieces minted & c: In brass, 11.5gms, 200 pieces minted.



 40th anniversary

2011-A copy

Illus 215

FS: Large stylised “40” appears at centre, to upper right of this numeral is inscribed “1971” with “2011” beneath it. Christiania’s three balls appear below the large numeral. This centre decoration appears on a polished field within a geared circle. Surrounding the circle is shown “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA” at top and “LEV OG LAD ANDRE LEV” separated by “20” at left and “11” at right.

BS: Identical to No. 209.

Size: 30mm a: In .999 silver, 14gms, 125 pieces minted. (Shiboleth reports 100 pieces minted.) b: In copper, 12gms, 200 pieces minted & c: In brass, 11.5gms, 200 pieces minted.


° ° °


Commemorative Medal 3

6th Anniversary “Jubilæumsmønter”

by Bent Jensen



Illus 250a



Illus 250b

FS: At centre is a silhouette of house in Christiania under a rainbow. Beneath the house appears the year “1977” under which are Christiania’s three orbs. At top appears the legend “CHRISTIANIA” and at bottom “DANMARK” in the legend. Rounded edge bezel.

BS: At top in found a five-pointed star, below is “CHRISTIANIA” as an arc. At centre is a large number “6” beneath which is stated “AAR”. On the silver coin is stamped “925 S” at very bottom.

Size: 40.5 mm, a: In .925 silver, 27gms, 100 pieces were minted. b: In copper,  23.5gms, 100 pieces were minted.

Price a: DKK 900 kroner (USD $150). b: DKK 600 kroner (USD $100). in fine condition.



Illus 251a1


Illus 251b1


Illus 251a2



Illus 251b2

FS. Identical to No. 250.

BS. Adds two flags placed on poles obliquely facing outward to either side of the number “6”. In comparison to No. 250, decorations are not specified.

Nos. 251a1 and 251b1 are undecorated; Nos. 251a2 and 251b2 feature enamel decorations on both sides.

FS: The rainbow is enameled in yellow, red and blue.

BS: The flags are enameled in red and the stars painted yellow. Nos. 251a2 and 251b2 do not have the same diameter, varying by about 0.5 mm). The coin’s border are on two different levels. Only approximately 30 enameled specimens are known (a2 & b2, 15 of each).

Size: 40.5 mm, No. 251a1: In silver, 100 pieces minted. 251b1: In copper, 100 pieces minted.

Price: No. 251a1: DKK 800 kroner (USD $135). No. 251a2: no sales record. No. 251b1: DKK 500 kroner (USD $85). 251b2: no sales record. Note: The price is the dealer’s selling price for a coin in fine condition.


10th Anniversary


252 s & b

Illus 252a & b

FS. At centre is seen a marijuana leaf cluster, with Christiania’s anniversary “10” in outline beneath which is “år” (’10’ with ‘years’ below). The broad outside border  inside the coin’s bezel edge bears the inscription: “1971 FRISTADEN 1981” at top and ”CHRISTIANIA” at bottom.

BS. Displays the Copenhagen skyline beneath which is a large and a small lotus flower at right and at left “1981” with “10år” below. Bezel edge.

Size: 35.5 mm, numbered issue. a: In silver, 20gms, approximately 100 pieces minted. b: In copper, 20gms, approximately 200 pieces minted.

Price a: DKK 1000 kroner (USD $170). b: DKK 600 kroner (USD $100).

° ° °



by Bent Jensen



280 a & b

Illus 280a & b

Test mintage

FS: At centre is the year “1976” under a rainbow and under three five-pointed stars. Along the top border is the legend “REGNBUETRÆF” (“RAINBOWGATHERING”) in outline. Along the bottom border is inscribed “CHRISTIANIA”. At both right and left sides are single, tiny circles.

BS: Blank.

Size: 45mm, a: In copper and b: in brass. Unknown quantity minted but few.

Price: No documented sales.



Illus 280.1

FS. Identical to No. 280b, but bearing enameled highlights in colour. Inscription “REGNBUETRÆF” (“RAINBOWGATHERING”) is in blue. The rainbow just below is enameled in red, orange and green. The year “1976” appears in the arc of the rainbow. Three five-pointed stars, flanking the lower part of the year below each end of the rainbow and just beneath the year and the inscription “CHRISTIANIA” are without colour, allowing the gold of the brass to shine. The background of the coin is silver.

BS. Blank.

Size: 45mm, In brass. Unknown number of pieces minted but few.

Price: DKK 1000 to 1200 kroner (USD $170-200) in fine condition.

° ° °


Enameled ‘carfare’ tokens


Illus 300

FS. The token has a hole at the top. Christiania’s three 3.6mm yellow dots appear in the centre. The inscription “Bevar” (“Conserve”) appears above the dots; “Christiania” appears at bottom, both in silver colour. The hole and the yellow circles have raised, glossy borders. The rounded bezel edge is similarly raised, glossy and silver. The background field is red.

BS. The three 5.3mm yellow circles (5.3 mm) are centred on a red background. Edge of the hole and the circular boundaries are raised, glossy and silver. The background field is red.

Size: 23.3 mm with 3mm hole at the top. In steel. Number of pieces minted unknown but many. Made of recycled advertising signs from 3DP Steka.

Price: DKK 20 kroner (USD $3.50).



Illus 301

FS. Similar to No: 300, but the yellow circles are larger at 4.8 mm and the upper inscription was changed to “Forsvar” (“Defend”). The background colour has become orange.

BS. A black background bears two shapes: a large yellow letter ‘I’, and a large red ♥ heart and “Christiania” inscribed beneath in yellow letters. The hole and edge are similar to No. 300.

Size: 23.3 mm with 3mm hole at the top. Steel, unknown quantity minted. Made of recycled advertising signs from 3DP Steka.

Price: DKK 20 kroner (USD $3.50).



Illus 302

FS. Almost identical to No. 300, but the yellow circles are 4.8mm, similar to No. 301. The inscription “Bevar” (“Conserve”) appears to top under the hole and “Christiania” below the yellow dots; both in silver on a red background.

BS. Identical to No. 300 as to size, material, manufacturer and price.

Size: 23.3 mm with 3mm hole at the top. Steel, 300 pieces minted. Made of recycled advertising signs from 3DP Steka.

Price: DKK 20 kroner (USD $3.50).



Illus 303

A new token was minted in the orange colour of No: 301 but the text is the same as Nos. 300 & 302 in a different font, in italics. The 4.8mm yellow circles on the front and back are identical.


At least five new tokens have been produced, of which one is in the 27mm 20-kroner size.

° ° °



Play coins


circa 1985


Illus 350

FS: At centre and below is found a cannabis leaf cluster superscribed by the legend: “CHRISTIANIA” at top edge. Rounded bezel edge.

BS: At centre stands the inscription: “NEMO” in boldface outline, rotated 180° (only Christiania!).

Size: 25.5 mm, In brass, 5.3gms, number of pieces minted unknown. Produced by JK Automator A/S, producer of arcade games, pinball, slot machines, pachislots, pachinkos, jukeboxes, in Thisted.

Price: DKK 20 kroner (USD $3.50), which may be redeemed for goods in Cafe Nemoland.

circa 1985


lllus 351

FS: Identical to the BS of No. 350.

BS: Identical to its FS but rotated 180°.

The coin was used Nemoland but was later replaced by No. 352.

Size: 25.5 mm, In brass, 5.3gms, number of pieces minted unknown. Produced by JK Automator A/S, producer of arcade games, pinball, slot machines, pachislots, pachinkos, jukeboxes, in Thisted. (Bet they had fun with this one!)

Price: DKK 20 kroner (USD $3.50), which may be redeemed for goods in Christiania’s Cafe Nemoland.

5830250978_f06d45785a_zSummer view of Cafe Nemoland [konhenrik/flicklr]


Bistro token


Illus 352

FS. At centre is shown an eagle with upraised wings. Along the edge, which is narrow, is the legend “EUROCOIN” at top and “LONDON” at bottom, separated by a four five-pointed stars at right and left.

BS. Similar to FS.

This token has been discontinued.

Size: 28.5 mm nickel-plated, non-magnetic metal, presumably brass. Unknown number minted but many.

Price: DKK 20 kroner (USD $3.50).

Xiania Pilsner


Cafe Oasen (Oasis) token


Illus 353

FS: The token bears no text, but is bimetallic, having a brass plug inserted into a ring of nickel-plated steel. Narrow, bezel edge.

BS: Identical to FS.

This token has been discontinued.

Size: 22.8 mm. Token used in Cafe Oasen, and is produced by JK Automator A/S, producer of arcade games, pinball, slot machines, pachislots, pachinkos, jukeboxes, in Thisted. Unknown number minted but many.

Price: DKK 10 kroner (USD $1.75).

° ° °


° ° °


Paper currency




Illus 400

(Reduced size)

Banknote basic back field is yellow.

FS. States “1 REGNBUEDALERE” (“RAINBOWDOLLAR”) with four-hued rainbow.

BS. Notes stylised number “1” at each corner.

Number produced, 400.


5 RBD.



Illus 401

(Reduced size)

Banknote basic back field is blue.

FS. States “5 REGNBUEDALERE” (“RAINBOWDOLLAR”), otherwise similar to No. 400 but with the number “5”.

BS: Notes stylised number “5” at each corner.

Both RBD issues: The bands at top and bottom form a pattern in black consisting of two elements, an eight-petaled flower separated by the letters “S” laid on their sides.

In the center is seen a field with the numerals “1” or “5” surrounded by an oval pattern of flowers and brackets in ornament. On the left side is depicted a factory with smoking chimneys and the right side a landscape of bucolic farmland. A rainbow arches over the central number, linking the two sides as a symbol of cohesion between industry and agriculture. The rainbow is made in four colors: yellow then red, blue and green.

In the left corner below the upper band is “RBD” in Victorian, engraved script with three lines scribed below. ‘RBD’ forms an acronym for the prominent line below: “REGNBUEDALERE” (“RAINBOWDOLLAR”).

At top and bottom are repeated the decorative borders from the FS. Within these bands seen in the 4 corners of the central field from the front middle repeated in smaller format. BS. In the centre is depicted a mighty oak tree. To both sides of the oak are printed the words “For et pengeløst samfund” (“For a cashless society”).

Over the oak is the inscription: “REGNBUEDALERE” and below that: “Charlottenborg 15.4. – 30.4. – 1977 “.

Unknown number printed.

Price: DKK 50 kroner (USD $8.50).

pp 54

10 RBD.



 Illus 402

(Reduced size)

 FS. & BS. Banknote basic colour is red and its value: 10 RBD, otherwise identical to No. 400

Unknown quantity printed.

Price: DKK 50 kroner (USD $8.50)


“Redeem for hash”



Illus 410

(Reduced size)

This multicolored tag is a redemption certificate. Its origin is not known.

FS. Bordered at top and bottom by line-drawings of nude people and (naked) birds. The left border shows a male marijuana plant and the right side a female. The background color is white.

In the center is a black rectangular frame with a leaf outside and inside of each corner. Within the frame the background color is dark blue with two birds at the top and the text “International Direkt Action Group” on a wavy line between two red octopus ornaments. Beneath the wavy line in large letters is printed “SFH”.

At left is printed a serial number “5268044”, at right a date: “08 07 1978”. Under “SFH” and figures are seen five white birds, the bird in the middle being larger than the others.

Green cannabis leaves form flying birds on either side of a five-pointed star. Surrounded by the cannabis birds, forming a lyre, states at left “1 Gram”, and at right “25 Kr”. Under “1 Gram” and “25 Kr” is seen a star and a bird.

In the lower centre is an oval surrounded by an arrangement of red and yellow ribbons. In the oval is seen a sun behind hemp leaves and “SFH” in small type.

At bottom centre on bright green field are the words ‘“Dette certificat lan indløses med 1 gram dansk hash 1. kvalitet, den dag frigivelsen er en realitet. Stat & Kommunetakst ikke inkluderet” (“This certificate can be redeemed with 1 gram of first quality Danish hash, the day its release is a reality. State & municipal charges not included”)

BS. Blank.

Unknown number printed but few.

Price: No recorded transaction.


“Arbejds Festival” notes



Illus 420

(Reduced size)

3 kroner paper note, pink.



Illus 421

(Reduced size)

4 kroner paper note, blue-green.

These two “banknotes” have apparently been used as a means of payment in the week: August 7-13, 1978.

Printed on a black background field.

° ° °


Christiania Sports Club Medals

 Designed by Noah Müller, Henrik Madsen and Werner Huusfeldt

 Minted by goldsmith Morten Hilbert




Illus 180 & 180.1

After going to press, the author came into possession of a keychain from the Christiania Sports Club which is also available as a medal. Collectors note that Christiania’s footballers have three balls.

FS: In the middle of the field is a large “CSC” in outline contained in a dove of peace, which tail separates the legend “CHRISTIANIA / SPORTS CLUB” around the bottom border. At top border are twice three scribed lines separated by Christiania’s three circles.

BS: Centre features a pot leaf cluster. Along the top and bottom borders the inscription: “YOU NEVER SMOKE ALONE” is repeated twice separated by the three dots at right and left.

Size: 34mm by 2.5 mm thick, In sterling silver, 75 coins were produced for purchase only to members of the Sports Club, 25 medals minted and 25 as keychains.

There are also copies the gold of different fineness (Numbers below 10). It is planned to publish more medals / key rings in silver.

Blank quantity: unknown, but a few.

Price unrecorded but purchased for DKK 400 kroner (USD $70).


CSC Cheerleaders

 25th Anniversary medal


moent1 copy25283 copymoent2 copy

Illus 181

Christiania Sports Club released a silver medal (and likely also a keyring) on ​​the occasion of its 25th anniversary in 2007 in a “Sport Shirt” design, jersey number “25”.

FS: This intricate design shows the entrance to the CSC’s garden and club room. It features a Christiania bike at lower right above which is a CSC football player and a bog to its left. On the lower pavement appear the letters “FES” [MEANING?].

BS: A football jersey bearing the number “25” fills a central circle. Around this circle, below the outer bezel appear Christiania’s three circles at top. To the left of the circles is written “CHRISTIANIA” and to right, “SPORTS CLUB”. At bottom appears “1982-2007”.

Unknown number minted but few.

Details of designers, mintage, size, weight or price were available at press time.


CSC practice – 44 gram coner!

30th Anniversary Medal

Designed by Eske Storm



Illus 182

FS: Bears irregular bezel edge and an inner circlet. These contain “CHRISTIANIA” at top and “SPORTS CLUB” at bottom. Stylised number “30” which ends form pennants. The lower left contains “FRA 1981” and upper right “TIL 2012”. The numeral is surmounted by a heart bearing Christiania’s three balls as eyes and nose with smile beneath. Below the number is written “AR”.

BS: Features irregular bezel and inner ring. At top are Christiania’s three balls enclosed in an irregular box. To the box’s left and right are three marijuana leaf clusters. Below these to left and right are boxes containing the three balls. At bottom are three marijuana leaf clusters. At centre, the stylised logo “CSC” appears, surrounded by the motto “YOU NEVER SMOKE ALONE”.

No details of mintage, size, weight or price were available at press time.

° ° °



Rumoured a piece of jewelry in silver and gold was minted in 2001 of Christiania’s main entrance. No information about this release at press time.

° ° °

NO ILLUS 422 to 429 

These catalog numbers aside, different notes have been discovered, corresponding to Nos. 420 & 421.

 “Gøgler-Gaeld” “Circus Debt”


In the period from 2000 to 2008, paper currency notes were released labeled “Gøgler-Gaeld”. In the period from 2000 to 2007, two notes were released each year; [WHAT DENOMINATIONS?] 2008 saw the release of three notes.

Illustration and description to follow.

° ° °



This 2008 appendix of additions and corrections to my catalog list appears without pictures of the items along with sparse descriptions of each. This deficit leads me to express my outrage at the MPs who voted for the seizure of library money under a certain size. I consider confiscation to equal theft, and it will certainly discourage other future writers from publishing their works without fear of censorship.

In addition to the list of coins, etc., above, I should like to point out that there have since appeared Christiania postage stamps. If it is possible for me to publish part two of the Christiania catalog, the postage stamps will be included. Similarly, tokens and banknotes will be better described than in this list.

Flemming Hansen

December 2008

[Editor’s note. The author’s 2008 additions and corrections have largely been incorporated into their proper places in the text. Coin illustrations throughout the text courtesy of Vagn Sorento Dichmann, Flemming Hansen, Dr. Simon A. Hinke, Henrik Nordland and Chaim Dov Shiboleth. A sensitive translation into Danish was artfully accomplished by dear friend Mrs. W. Henkelman. Serving as Christiania history and culture consultants were my longtime friends Christiania Sports Club coach Flemming Jensen, Christianite Jeanette Mortensen, her son, Jannik Svejdal, and Christianshavn local Claus Olsen.]

Christianias Grundlov

° ° °


Martin Booth, Cannabis: A History, Picador, ISBN: 0312424949, 2005.

Cherniak, Laurence, The Great Books of Hashish, Vol. 1 Book 1: Morocco, Lebanon, Afghanistan, The Himalayas, Kulu Trading, ISBN: 3886312224, 1979.

Cherniak, Laurence, The Great Books of Cannabis, Book 2, Infomedia, ISBN: 0911093028, 1983.

Cherniak, Laurence, The Great Books of Hashish, Vol. 1 Book 3: Marijuana Around the World, Estate Studios, ISBN: 1896506003, 2000. Available from the author: and

Christiania documentary

Christiania documentary: Christiania 40 Years of Occupation, <>, Trailer:, <>, <>.

Christiania har slået sin egen mønt,

Christiania – lærerig og smertelig,

Christiania shares, <>.

Christiania Sports Club – The Ossetians

Motto: “You’ll never smoke alone! Joint the Club!”

CSC history:

2012 CSC 30th anniversary medal:

2005 CSC medal and keychain:

2007 CSC 25th Anniversary medal:

Christiania websites, <>, <>.

Clarke, Robert Connell, Hashish, Red Eye Press, ISBN: 0929349059, 1998.

The Complementary Currency of Christiania, English:

Et betalingssystem for det nye årtusind, Dansk:

Fallesen, Peter & Hind, Sulaima, Fristaden ° ° ° Freetown Christiania, Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, ISBN: 978-87-17-04004-5, 2008.

Hansen, Flemming, Christianias Betalingsmidler M.M. 1971-2005, with photocopied eight-page 2008 supplement of additions and corrections, Copenhagen: privately printed, ISBN: 87-991760-0-9, 2005 and 2008, available from the author: <>.

Herer, Jack, Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy: The Emperor Wears No Clothes, The Authoritative Historical Record of the Cannabis Plant, Marihuana Prohibition & How Hemp Can Still Save the World, Hemp/Queen of Clubs Pub:  ISBN: 1878125001, 1992.

Jensen, Vagn, “Om Stadens mønt – en kilde til historien”, [“About the city mint – a source of history”] Møntsamlern, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2004, pp. 4-11. (In Danish.), “How to make a Danish hash joint”


“Jordhuga: Smoking hash on the ground” <>.

la Valle, Suomi, Hashish, Quartet Books, ISBN: 0704324504, 1984.

Lee, Martin A., Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana, Medical, Recreational and Scientific, Scribner, ISBN: 1439102600, 2012.

McCrea, Erik Victor, “Pseudo-États” <>.

Schlosser, Eric, Reefer Madness and Other Tales from the American Underground, Allen Lane, ISBN: 0713996587, 2003.

Shiboleth, Chaim Dov, “The Coins of the Free City of Christiania 1976 − 2008”, <>.

Shiboleth, Chaim Dov, “Coins from Unrecognised States, Micronations, Alternative Communities, Autonomy Movements & Fantasy Locations” <>.

Unrecognised States Numismatic Society <>.

Wikipedia, “List of micronation currencies”, <>.

YouTube, “Big Danish joint” <>.

“How to make a DANISH Joint” <>.

“The danish smoking joint” <>.


° ° °

If you’ve gotten this far in our little catalogue, you may wish to contact the principals:

Vagn Sorento Dichmann <>,

Flemming Hansen <>,

CJ Hinke <>,

Chaim Dov Shiboleth <>, <>

° ° °


° ° °

Christiania panorama

CHRISTIANIAS BETALINGSMIDLER M.M. 1971-2005 af Flemming Hansen

31 Mar


M.M. 1971-2005

af Flemming Hansen

PDF Dansk: Christiania’s Betalingsmidler 1971-2005

PDF English: Coinage of Denmark’s Free State – Christiania

Cover BCover F


Nu kan jeg endelig præsentere dette katalog i samarbejde med Henrik Nordfalk, som har stået for computerarbejdet.

Kataloget skulle gerne være en fyldestgørende fortegnelse over samtlige mønter, medaljer, smykker og sedler med tilknytning til Christiania.

I denne forbindelse vil jeg gerne rette en tak til:

Vagn Sorento Dichmann for oplysning om møntmotiver, antalsangivelser, priser, udlån m.m., Bent Jensen for oplysninger vedrørende hans udgivelser, “Stigman” og bartenderne på Nemoland for oplysninger om Vagn Drachmanns udgivelser, Viktor Søndergård for oplysninger om fagudtryk samt anden assistance og sidst men ikke mindst til Jimmi Madsen for historien om opkomsten af udtrykket “1 fed”.

Albertslund, den 1. november 2005.

Flemming Hansen

 P.S. De anførte priser er vejledende og var gældende ved redaktionens slutning. Der tages forbehold for senere prisændringer.

Omslaget er fra Bjarne Castella’s artikel med foto af fotografen “Krille” i ugebladet “RAPPORT” efterår 1976.

Tryk: Wilken Tryk

ISBN: 87-991760-0-9

° ° °




Da jeg første gang besøgte København i 1986. Boede jeg hos en ven i Bådsmandsstræde, lige udenfor porten til Fristaden Christiana. Free state…det lød som en rigtig god ide, skulle vi ikke alle leve i en fri stat??? Tænk over det.

Jeg led altid af jetlag efter flyveturene til København. Derfor gik jeg ofte ind i Christiania om natten. Jeg drak Carlsberg øl og akvavit samt Gammel dansk på Woodstock Pub. Pubben ligger ved siden af Pusherstreet. Natten gik med at joke og danse med de lokale Grønlændere.

Pusher Street var åben hele natten. Der var mange boder, som solgte den højste kvalitet af hash og grass fra hele verden.

Nogle boder var bare et bord med menu kort og prislister, andre boder var mere fantasifulde. Specielt Alis bod ”den anden bod til højre”, havde sine egne posters med en fed cone joint,stickers og t-shirt. Selv færdig lavede joints i plastik hylstre kunne købes.

Den yngre generation over hele verden er vokset op med at ryge hydroponisk fremstillede cannabis. Virkningen kan sammenlignes  med et hammerslag i panden.


Gamle hippier, som mig selv fortrækker at ryge hash.Hash bliver fremstillede i mange forskellige lande, i mellemøsten og østen. Det første hash jeg røg i New York kom fra Bekadalen i Libanon. Libanesisk hash kan være både blondt og rødt. Desværre er det idag næsten umuligt at finde hash fra Libanon, på grund af den årelange krig. Heller ikke på Christiania kan man finde libanesisk hash.

Export-kvalitet hash produceres i Marokkos Ketama område og Rifbjergene. Pollen presses ind til gyldne blokke. Afghani hash er verdensberømt blandt rygere. Hash fra Pakistan bliver ofte solgt som Afghani, det kan dog stadig være en fremragende kvalitet. Indiens Manali og Kashmiri hash er sorte duftende klæbrige plader. Nepal producerer vidunderlige håndlavede fingre og tempel kugler. Hash er også en tradition i Algeriet, Tunesien, Egypten, Tyrkiet og Kinas Xinjiang. Hash bliver dog sjældent exporteret fra disse lande.

Polen gør det tilladt at ryge hash joints

De danske vikinger er perfektionister når det drejer sig om deres stoffer. En dansk joint bliver normalt lavet således. Man rister tobakken og mixer hash i. Rygerne har selv deres filter rør, lavet af elfenben, merskum eller eksotisk træ. Alminiums rør er også set. Man kan også lave et filter ved at rulle et stykke pap. Jointen rulles, som en cone af 1½ stykke cigaret papir, small hvor filtret indsættes og langt større i den anden ende. Det er en ren ryge fornøjelse.

Der følger en vis stolthed med hos ”pusherne”, som sælger dagens bedste ryge hash.


Hvor i verden kan en turist ryge hash i en jordhuga (bogstaveligt, jord rør) med nogle mennesker han lige har mødt?


ALIS blev grundlagt af Albert Hatchwell og Isabelle Hammerich i 1996. Alis har idag udviklet sig til en international skate tøj producent, placeret i hjertet af København Politiet har over de sidste år lukket og fjernede boderne fra Pusherstreet. En af boderne, “Snyder ryg med hjem “kan idag ses på Nationalmuseet.

 Xiania Lake

[Jesper Axel]

Christiania var og er stadig magisk, and Christiania ligger mellem Christianshavn og Amager. Christianias 850 indbyggere bor pa 84 acres (40 tønder) land midt i København. Det er næsten 1/10 acres per person i en af Europas smukkeste kosmopolitiske byer.

Christiania blev bygget af Konge Christian IV i 1617, som et voldandlæg der skulle forsvarer militæret. Byggeriet blev forsat af Christian V. Kassernerne i Bådsmandsstræde husede det kongelige artelleri. Krigs materialer, ammunitions depot og laboratorier.

christian4                                   99uo4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Christian IV                                                             Christian V

I 1971 forlod det danske militær Christiania. Det hørte nu ind under Københavns kommune kort tid efter militæret havde forladt Christiania blev det besat af lokale hippier. Christiania var designet til at forsvarer dens beboer. Christiania var ogsa stedet, hvor Danmarks sidste henrettelse fandet sted. Ib Birkedal en højtstående dansker, som arbejdet sammen med Nazistiske Gestapo.


Tidlig en morgen, da jeg gik langs kanalen på min vej til Christianshavns berømte bager ”Lagkagehuset” Passerede jeg tilfældigvis en butiksfacade. Den lå i kælderen og havde et regnbue malede jern rækværk, som formede en Phoenix. I vinduet var en facinerende udstilling af meget detaljeret mønter.

Det tog mig mange besøg før jeg fandt Vagn Sorento Dichmann i hans værksted. Da vi endelig mødtes, hørte jeg historien om Christianias alternative valuta. Jeg har selv ingen viden om numismatiske sysler, men jeg begyndte at købe alle årgangene af mønterne, en praksis der strakte sig til i år.

 Gold medal

Mønterne var en magisk påmindelse om Christiania, som jeg kunne bringe med hjem. Selv om jeg ikke kunne ryge dem. Nogle af de mønter, som er afbildet i det  omfattende illustreret katalog af Flemming Hansen, eksistere der kun en enkelt af. Ikke mere end 10 af hver mønt blev lavet på bestilling i guld, bestilt af pushere. De fleste af mønterne blev der kun fremstillede 200 af,derfor er det en af verdens sjælneste valutaer, samt en del af Danmarks farverige historie.

Du kan nu eje en del af Christiania, vi opfodre alle til at købe en aktie for at støtte fællesskabet.


Ud over den uvurderlige legat af Flemming Hansen, har jeg også samlet i dette arbejde indsats Løsrivelse mønt opkøber, Chaim Dov Shiboleth. Begge mænd er temmelig mystisk og private personligheder, kun sømmer hvad Wikipedia deigns at kalde “en anarkistisk samfund i København”!

Vi fortrækker Fitzhugh Ludlows betraktninger i The Hasheesh Eater 1857. Han beskrev cannabis brugere som menneskere der søger dybere sjælelig udvikling. Større indsigt. Sandheden og det guddomelige. Denne beskrivelse svarer til min egen oplevelse af livet i Christiania.

Denne engelske oversættelse er dedikeret til min afdøde ven Mogens Morgensen, Bornholm, Sutney Baba, som jeg første gang mødte i Kathmandu. Han er dybt savnet.

CJ Hinke

Bangkok 2556 BE

Tak til vores kære ven, fru W. Henkelman, for denne oversættelse til dansk.

° ° °





Historier og oplysninger

“1 FED” Nr. 1 − 12

Erindringsmedaljer 1 (Sorento) Nr. 50 − 55

“1 KLUMP” Nr. 100

Erindringsmedaljer 2 (“Gonzo” m.fl.) Nr. 150

Smykker (Vagn Drachmann) Nr. 170 − 171

“1 LØN” Nr. 200 − 208

Erindringsmedaljer 3 (Bent Jensen) Nr. 250 − 252






° ° °




OM “1 FED”

 En historie jeg må bringe til torvs, er en beretning, som jeg først hørte for et par år siden af en ven, der havde den fra én, der havde tilbragt megen tid omkring Storkespringvandet i årene midt i tresserne.

Hans historie handler om opkomsten af udtrykket “1 fed” (den mængde hash, som bruges til en chillum, ca. 1 gram). Ifølge ham var udtrykket opstået som kodesprog bIandt ham og hans kammarater.

Oprindeligt var udtrykket: “En fed mæIk”, som de brugte om cacaomælk; da denne drik lindrer, når man ryger, så drak de som oftest denne, når chillummen var røget, og med tiden gled “fed” ind som koden for hash.

Siden er udtrykket “fedt” som substitution for “skønt” jo blevet almindeligt, ja så almindeligt, at det via Roskildefestivalerne er blevet optaget i svensk talesprog.

For at fortælle historien om Christianias mønter må jeg indledningsvis også berette om pusherne, og hvorfor de havnede på Christiania. I sommeren 1971 holdt pusherne til i Bådsmandsstræde i den gule ejendom overfor Christiania, dér hvor der i dag er en idrætsforening. De havde hele 2. sal, og de var mange. Stedet var desuden bopæl for nogle af dem. Fra vinduerne i bygningen havde de fuldt udsyn over kaserneområdet, og de blev med denne placering hurtigt en del af Christiania.

I den første tid var det nødvendigt at kende pusherenes privatadresse på Christiania for at købe hash. Først senere åbnedes “Woodstock” i det nuværende Pusherstreet som café og som uofficielt salgssted for hash.

På Christiania talte man til at begynde med meget om at melde sig helt ud af samfundet. En af ideerne gik ud på at lave en møntfod, som kun kunne bruges på Christiania. Man mente på denne måde at kunne gøre sig fri af det omliggende samfunds indblanding og snærende bånd. Desværre var fremstilling af mønter jo forbudt, ja det troede man, da ingen vidste, at det kun er efterligninger af gangbare betalingsmidler, der var og er forbudt. Så da nogle af pusherne alligevel ville have lavet en mønt i 1975, ja da måtte forberedelserne til udgivelsen jo foregå i dybeste hemmelighed. Mønten skulle være i sølv og værdien den samme som prisen på “1 FED”.

Vagn Sorento Dichmann og Jens Oluf Brårup fik opgaven med at lave mønten. De var begge unge og håbefulde, og havde begge egen forretning som henholdsvis gravør og guldsmed. Sorento fortæller, at planlægningen foregik de mest obskure steder og med deltagere næsten lige så obskure, og som oftest foregik det om natten. Desuden havde de involverede ikke nogen erfaring med møntfremstilling, så stemplerne voldte store problemer. Men lavet blev de. I denne forbindelse skal det nævnes, at da Sorento og hans makker skiltes, da sidstnævnte flyttede til USA, delte de matricer og stempler mellem sig på en sådan måde, at ingen af dem kunne lave en ny serie af mønten uden den andens medvirken.

Denne første christianiamønt fik aldrig nogen væsentlig anvendelse, da antallet i omløb var for lille. Desuden gemte christianitterne dem væk som souvenirer, da salgsværdien hurtigt oversteg brugsværdien.

Motiverne på “1 FED”-mønterne er de kunstnerisk mest interessante. De har alle relation til dagliglivet på Christiania eller til begivenheder i det pågældende udgivelsesår.

Mønten “1 KLUMP” er enkeltstående og støbt i sølv. Gravøren er Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård, som også er mester for en medalje med portræt-tet af Thorkild Weiss Madsen fra “Bondehæren” (jvf. katalog nr.: 150). Thorkild er bedst kendt for sine cykeldemonstrationer mod Øresunds-broen og for sit medlemskab af Københavns borgerrepræsentation i årene: 1978 – 81.


Mønten “1 Klump” er unik for en enkelt sølv produktion. Dens gravør er Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård, der også er skaberen af ​​en medaljon med et portræt af Thorkild Weiss Madsen fra “bondehær” (Se katalog nr. 150 ).

Thorkild er bedst kendt for sin cykel demonstrationer over Øresundsbroen. Han var en Københavns Kommunes medlem fra 1978 til 1981.

OM “1 LØN”

Med udgivelsen af møntserien “1 LØN” i 1997 fik Christiania endelig sin egen rigtige valuta. Brugsværdien på disse mønter af messing og kobber er fastsat udfra 1 times arbejde på Christiania, som betales med “1 LØN” = 50 kr. Prisen på sølvmønterne varierer efter alder og stand. “1 LØN” er udført af gravør Bent Jensen og er i modsætning til “1 FED” maskingraveret.


Regnbuedalerne, nr.: 400 – 402 stammer fra et arrangement på Charlottenborg i 1977, som blev afholdt af “Regnbuefolkene”.

Regnbuefolket holdt til på Christiania, men lavede adskillige happenings ved demonstrationer rundt omkring i byen.

Regnbuedalerne har aldrig været et betalingsmiddel, men udelukkende været anvendt som propaganda jvf. teksten med småt på sedlerne: “FOR ET PENGELØST SAMFUND”.

Ombytningscertifikatet nr.: 410 ved jeg ikke noget om, men propaganda for fri hash tyder på Christiania, hvorfor det er medtaget.

° ° °


“1 FED”

Medaljør: Vagn Sorento Dichmann.

Alle Sorento’s sølvmønter har lødigheden 925/1000. k) = mønter med dette mærke findes også i 22 karats guld (916/1000) angivet på randen. Max. 10 stk.


 1976 S B1976 S F


Fs: “Christiania” i omskrift ses forneden, den vandrette tværstreg i ‘T’ dækker over bogstaverne fra ‘H’ til ‘I’ i navnet. Herover findes 2 stiliserede huse: ét i centrum og ét skråt opefter th.; ovenfor tv. for huset i centrum er placeret en nymåne. Kanten er ophøjet og smal.

Bs: Nederst ses en chillum, op fra denne stiger en røgfane udformet som en slange. På chillummens kant står årstallet: 1976. Tv. for slangen ses 3 prikker (Christianias symbol) og th. indskriptionen: “1 FED”. Bagsiden kan være roteret 90 grader i forhold til forsiden.

26mm Sølv antal: ca. 450 stk. Desuden findes enkelte prøveafslag i messing og kobber.

Salgspris: 800,00 – 1200,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.




2a & b

Fs: I midten ses en stiliseret blomst (hamp) med 3 prikker i centrum. Langs kanten findes omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA 1977” adskilt af to mærker, som består af en fredspipe (anvendelig til hash) og en maskinpistol over kors. Yderst findes en perlekreds. Kanten er plan.

Bs: I midten findes 3-delt slynget ornament med 3 omkransede prikker (som et tredelt yin-yangsymbol). Udenom imellem 2 perlekredse ses omskriften: “1 FED” “CHRISTIANIA” adskilt af halvmåne (tv.) og strålende sol (th.).

31mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 450 stk.

Pris a: 500,00 – 700,00 kr. b: 300,00 – 500,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.





Fs: I midten og foroven ses flettede ornamenter (keltisk stil) og forneden omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA 1985 1 FED”. ‘1985’ er med meget mindre typer end resten af omskriften. Yderst findes perlekreds (firkantede) på plan kant.

Bs: I midten ses 3 prikker med 12 nøgne personer i ringdans omkring. Yderst langs kanten findes 6 x 3 prikker.

30mm Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris: 600,00 – 800,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.




4a & b

Fs: Forsiden er et billede af et nøgent par og en hund på en græsplæne, manden kærtegner kvindens køn. Nederst findes omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA” og øverst 2 x morsetegnene for SOS:  (• • • — — — • • •). Kanten er plan.

Bs: Billedet forestiller politiet med Bogart-lignende civilbetjent i spidsen, som rykker frem mod pusherne i Pusher Street. Pusherne er symboliseret ved en “joint” imellem to fingre. Th. herfor er placeret indskriften: “1 FED” i konturskrift, og nedenunder årstallet: “1988”. Tv. under civilbetjentens hage ses Sorento’s signatur.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris a: 500,00 – 700,00 kr. b: 500,00 – 700,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



 93 S


Fs: Øverst findes et hampeblad og derunder indskriften: “CHRISTIANIA”. Fra midten og ned ses en dragefigur. Dragens tunge snor sig som et spørgsmålstegn om halen, der bærer indskriften: “1 FED”. Tre af dragens fødder ses gribe om tre kugler (! 3 prikker, symbolet for Christiania). Tv. for venstre kugle ses årstallet: “1993” og th. herfor Sorento’s signatur. Mønten har ophøjet kant.

Bs: Bagsiden er i vikingestil. I midten findes trekantet ornament i hvirvelbevægelse. Rundt om 3 spiralornamenter ses drageyngel mellem anden ornamentik.

30mm Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris: 400,00 – 500,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



97 B FE.T.97B B

6a & b *)

Fs: Midterfeltet er udformet som et ansigt, hvor ‘1’ er næse og indskriften: “FED” udgør munden, ‘1’ er flankeret af 2 halvt lukkede Buddhaøjne. Over ‘1’ ses 3 prikker og derover årstallet: “1997” (kan ses som panderynker i ansigtet) ‘1’ og “FED” er med fed skrift. Langs kanten står omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA DANMARK” adskilt af Sorento’s signatur tv. og kometen Hale Bob th. Yderst findes smalt og bredt bånd i cirkelslag som kant.

Bs: Lidt ovenfor møntens centum ses tredelt hvirvelornamentik med 3 prikker i hver del, udenom denne ligger Midgårdsormen, som bider sig selv i sin snoede hale.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Messing antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 – 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for mønter i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



 98 S

7a & b *)

Fs: I midten ses 3 prikker (symbolet for Christiania), ovenfor findes indskriften: “1 FED” og derunder “STADEN”. Langs kanten er placeret omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA DANMARK”, adskilt af årstallet: “1998” (tv.) og Sorento’s signatur (th.). Yderst findes bred kant.

Bs: Bagsiden er i vikingestil, og forestiller 3 stk. drageyngel med tvedelte haler, hvor den ene del af hver hale næsten omslutter en kugle (! prik). Herved indgår Christianias symbol i motivet.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 – 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for mønter i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



 99 C

8a & b *)

Fs: Fra midten og nedefter ser man en fredsdue med hampeblad i næbbet; ovenover denne ses 11 måger med “Jonathan Havmåge” i spidsen. Tv. for fredsduen findes Sorento’s signatur og th. årstallet: “1999”. Over mågerne står “CHRISTIANIA” i omskrift. Bogstaverne er i konturskrift. Bag og under fredsduen ses stregmønster forestillende græstæppe. Yderst findes ophøjet kant.

Bs: I midten ses ornament udformet som slagfladen på en tæppebanker flankeret foroven af 2 x 3 prikker herover indskriften: “1 FED” i konturskrift. Under ornamentet findes indskriften: “DANMARK”. Langs kanten i henholdsvis højre og venstre side er placeret stregmønstre lig centimeter- og millimeterinddelingen på en lineal. Kanten er med perlekreds.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 – 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for mønter i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.




9a & b *)

Fs: I møntens centrum findes et hampeblad, midt i bladet ses en spire udformet som ‘1’ og herunder på stilken indskriptionen “FED” i konturskrift. Langs kanten findes omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA” “DANMARK” med 2 x 3 prikker som skillemærker. Yderst findes bred kant.

Bs: Motivet er voldgraven på Christianias område med den nyrestaurerede Dyssebro, som forbinder Christianshavnersiden med Amagersiden. På broen anes 3 personer og 2 heste. I forgrunden ses en svane med årstallet: “2000” anbragt på kroppen. Årstallet er i konturskrift. Over svanen er placeret 3 x ‘snabel-a’: (@) (Christiania er med på nettet), herunder findes Sorento’s signatur. Kanten er plan.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 – 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for mønter i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.




10a & b *)

Fs: I midten ses “1 FED” i håndskrift, hvor ‘1’ står på ‘F’; rundt om dette findes snørklede ornamenter. Indflettet i den underste del af ordet “FED” findes årstallet: “2002”. Langs kanten findes omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA” og “FRISTADEN I DANMARK”. Kanten består af 3 bånd, hvor det midterste er riflet.

Bs: I midten findes et ophøjet punkt (som på en snurremønt), omkring sidder 6 personer, hvoraf 3 har armene flettet ind i hinanden og rundt om det ophøjede punkt. Endvidere ses deres knæ, som er udformet som hjerter. Kanten er ophøjet.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 – 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for mønter i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



03 C

11a & b *)

Mønten er udformet som snurremønt.

Fs: I centrum findes et ophøjet punkt (omdrejningspunkt ved brug som snurremønt) og lige herover årstallet: “2003”. I midterfeltet ses Pusher Street, som stiliseret billede med skiltet for “Fotografering forbudt” nederst. Billedet er afgrænset af en åben cirkel med åbningen mod himlen. Yderst er en bred kant. Mellem den åbne cirkel og kanten står omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA”   “DANMARK” adskilt af 2 ornamenter i vikingestil.

Bs: I møntens centrum findes inskriptionen “1 FED” i håndskrift, hvor ‘1’ står på ‘F’ og ‘D’. Udenom ses 3 hunde i kreds, under én af dem findes Sorento’s signatur. Foran hovedet af samme hund er Christianias mærke placeret i et skjold (pegemærke ved anvendelse som snurremønt); foran næste hund mod højre findes Forsvarets Bygningstjenestes våbenskjold (femkantet forsvarsværk), foran tredie hund er Københavns byvåben placeret.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 – 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for mønter i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

° ° °

Der er ikke udkommet “1 FED” i år 2004.

° ° °




12a & b *)

Fs: I midten ses “Fugl Føniks”, som rejser sig af flammerne (symbol på Christiania’s situation efter politiets fremfærd i 2004). Yderst er en bred kant. Mellem denne og den centrale figur findes øverst omskriften “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA” med fuglens hovedfjer som skilletegn og nederst “DANMARK”. Tv. for sidstnævnte findes signaturen “Sorento”.

Bs: En ‘vred’ bi i en bikubes indre. I bikubens celler ses foroven 2 bedrøvede larver og i en lodret række celler th. for midten 3 glade larver (smileys). Yderst th. en celle med en vred larve, og nedenunder de 3 glade larver ses en skrigende larve (Edv. Munch’s maleri ‘Skriget’ blev på det tidspunkt stjålet fra museet i Oslo). Nederst under bien indskriften “1 Fed” i konturskrift og tv. årstallet “2005” begge i kantet skrift som runer. Kanten er udformet som en 6-kant (en celle), der omslutter møntens motiv. (Motivet kan ses som symbol på Christiania’s enkelte områder og indbyggernes reaktioner på nedlæggelsen af Pusher Street.

Møntens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Priser som angivet i foregående katalognummer (11a & b).

° ° °

Erindringsmedaljer 1


Medaljør: Vagn Sorento Dichmann.





Fs. I midten ses et stiliseret hundehoved (hundens år) med hampeblad på halsen og herunder 3 børn, som holder hinanden i hænderne. Baggrunden er nattehimmel med stjerner. I omskriften står: “CHRISTIANIA 10 ÅR 1981” adskilt af nymåne foran ‘C’ og 3 prikker efter ‘A’ i Christiania. Yderst mod den smalle, ophøjede kant findes en perlekreds.

Bs. Blank og plan, evt. med sølvmærke og/eller håndgraveret nummer.

30mm Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris: 500,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.




51a & b

Medaljen er udgivet i anledning af Christianitternes deltagelse i karnevallet 1984.

Fs: I midterfeltet findes en fantasifigur med et spørgsmålstegn th. på denne. Ovenfor ses indskriften: “KARNEVAL 84” og nedenfor “FRI FANTASIEN”. Foran ‘F’ i ‘FRI’ findes Sorento’s signatur. Indenfor den takkede, smalle kant er placeret en perlekreds.

Bs: Blank og plan, evt. med sølvmærke og/eller håndgraveret nummer.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 30 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca.30 stk.

Pris a: 600,00 kr. b: 300,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



 84 Punk


Medaljen er en fri “kopi” af 80’ernes 10-krone.

Fs: I midten ses en punkers hoved med hanekam, hårpisk og ørenring (hampeblad). Under hovedet findes Sorento’s signatur; nedenfor denne er anbragt 3 prikker og årstallet: “1984”. Rundt om hovedet er placeret indskriften: “CHRISTIANIA DANMARKS FRISTAD” og udenfor denne en perlekreds. Kanten er ophøjet.

Bs: Blank og plan, evt. med sølvmærke og/eller håndgraveret nummer.

30mm Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris: 500,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.





Fs: I midten ses en hund med spidse ører og kunstfærdigt oprullet hale. Uden om denne er placeret indskriften: “CHRISTIANIA 1971 20 ÅR 1991”. Langs kanten, som er plan, findes 16 x 3 prikker.

Bs: Her ses et 6-delt ornament i vikingestil udgående fra centerpunkt med en cirkel omkring. De 6 dele i ornamentet er opdelt i 3 par med 3 prikker imellem.

30mm Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris: 500,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.




54a & b

Fs: I midten ses “25”, hvor ‘2’ består af en stiliseret svane og ‘5’ af en drage med Christianias flag på halen. Fra dragens mund udgår begyndelsen til ornamentet, som udgør afgrænsningen til omskriften. Denne lyder: “CHRISTIANIA 1971 • • • 1996”. Under “25” findes Sorento’s signatur. Kanten er ophøjet.

Bs: I midten ses en nar med kugler, som står i en åbning i et buet plankeværk, som opdeler jord og himmel på yin/yang manér. Bag plankeværket ses huse. Dette er til erindring om Christianshavnernes nedbrydning af plankeværket ind til den daværende Bådsmandsstrædes kaserne i året 1971. Udenom dette billede findes en tynd ring og yderst en lidt bredere kantring. Imellem disse står omskriften: “I KAN IKKE SLÅ OS IHJEL VI ER EN DEL AF JER SELV”.

35mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Forgyldt kobber (der findes et fåtal – max 5 uden forgyldning) antal: ca. 200 stk. Desuden findes der under 10 stk. i guld (750/1000).

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 900,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for medaljer i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



 01 C

55a & b

Fs. I midten ses, med en hund som baggrund, tallet “30”, hvor ‘3’ og ‘0’ er sammenflettet. Tallet er i konturskrift, og er udsmykket med 26 prikker. På hundens ben findes 2 krogede ornamenter. Hunden og tallet hviler på et stiliseret græstæppe med indskriften: “2001”. Græstæppet slutter i hver ende i en snoning om en kugle. Hundens stiliserede opadvendte hale med påskriften: “1971” ender ligeledes i en snoning om en kugle. De 3 kugler udgør skillepunkterne i omskriften: “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA DANMARK”. Yderst mod randen findes 3 bånd i cirkelslag.

Bs. Dette er et billede af Christianias skateboardbane. På møntens nedre del ses 2 personer på skateboard og foroven 7 som tilskuere til opvisningen. Motivet er valgt fordi, drengene fra Christiania vandt VM dette år. Th. under det ene skateboard findes Sorento’s signatur.

Medaljens rand er nummereret eller har indslået: “E.T.” (eget tryk).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris pr. sæt (a & b): 500,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for medaljer i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

° ° °

Når eller hvis der i 2006 udgives en ny erindringsmønt/jubilæumsmønt, bør denne gives nummeret: 56a & b.

° ° °


Medaljør: Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård,

tegnet af Anders “Snegl” Hansen og støbt af Martin Lesak.




Fs. I midten ses Christianias flag på en flagstang. Nederst findes værdiangivelsen: “1 KLUMP”, hvor ‘1’ står på ‘L’ og ‘M’ i “KLUMP”. Til siderne og opad står omskriften: “1971 CHRISTIANIA 1991” afsluttet med en prik i hver ende. Yderst findes smal og bred ring som kant.

Bs. I midten ses et stiliseret hampeblad. Langs kanten står omskriften: “LEV OG LAD ANDRE LEVE”.

Mønten er støbt, 25 -27mm i diameter og 3,5mm tyk, med eller uden nummer på møntens rand.

Sølv antal: ca. 250 stk. Findes også i guld.

Pris: 700,00 kr. Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

° ° °


Erindringsmedalje 2 

Medaljør: Egon “Gonzo” Nørgård,

tegnet af Sander Nielsen og støbt af Martin Lesak.




Fs: I midten ses hovedet af Thorkild Weiss Madsen på nubret baggrund. Langs den smalle kant foroven står omskriften: “1971 – CHRISTIANIA 25 ÅR – 1996” og forneden:

1976 – BONDEHÆREN 20 ÅR – 1996”. Kanten er smal.

Medaljen blev ved et tilfælde udgivet samme år, som Thorkild Weiss Madsen døde i Sverige.

Bs: Fladen er plan med “STERLING” indslået nederst.

“1976 –

Mønten er støbt, 32mm i diameter og påloddet øsken. Sølv antal: ca. 60 stk.

Pris: 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

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Medaljør: Vagn Drachmann



Erindringssmykke/nøglering Tegnet af Thomas Cenius til en T-shirt og derefter moduleret som et støbt smykke/nøglering.

Fs. Smykkets midterparti er en buste i relief af en indianerhøvding, som ryger en joint. På hovedet har han den for høvdinge karakteristiske fjerprydelse. På en ring rundt om busten står foroven indpræget: “Say NO to hard drugs” flankeret af 2 hampeblade, og forneden ”Cafe Nemoland”.

Bs. På ringen, der omslutter bagsiden af relieffet, ses foroven indskriften: “CHRISTIANIA” flankeret af “1971” (tv.) og “1996” (th.). Nederst på ringen ses 3 kugler.

Smykket/nøgleringen er støbt, ca. 32mm i diameter og ca 4mm tyk. Det har påloddet øsken; nøgleringen har desuden en kæde med 10 led afsluttet med en karabinhage.

Sølv antal: ca 100 stk.

Pris: Ved førstegangssalget blev smykket/noglerin gen betalt med 10 kr. pr. gram solv. Nuvarænde pris: ca. 500 kr.




Det har ikke været muligt at fremskaffe et egentlig billede af smykket; afbildningen viser derfor kun en voksafstøbning af dette.

Smykket, der er gennembrudt, består af en 1,2mm cirkulær ring, der øverst indrammer en bysilhuet (Christianshavn) flankeret af træer i begge sider; derunder er i en opadrettet bue tværs over smykket indskriften “CHRISTIANIA” med gennembrudte bogstaver og indrammet af 2 cirkelbuer. Det nederste felt i smykket udfyldes af en lotusblomst i silhuet. Både træerne foroven og blomsten forneden bryder ud over den cirkulære grundform (2 – 2,3mm).

32 mm (den cirkulære grundform) a: Sølv antal: 2 stk. g: Guld antal: 3 stk.

Ingen vurdering.

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° ° °“1 LØN”

Medaljør: Bent Jensen.

Alle sølvmønter af typen: “1 LØN” har lødigheden 925/1000.

 “Den sneglen” løn


97 B lon

200a, b & c

Fs. I midterfeltet ses Christianias flag på en flagstang over en højrevendt snegl. Udenom i et felt med uensartede takker står omskriften: “FRISTADEN CHRISTIANIA” foroven og “LEV OG LAD ANDRE LEVE” forneden. Som skilletegn herimellem er anbragt årstallet: “1997”, opdelt med ‘19’ tv. og ‘97’ th. Kanten er ophøjet og er på indersiden forsynet med takker.

Bs. I midterfeltet ses et dominerende ‘1’ i konturskrift udfyldt med rifler på et blad af løn. På bladets stilk findes et foldet bånd med splittede ender. På båndet er der anbragt 2 x 3 prikker, og midt imellem disse ses et hjerte. Under hjertet langs kanten er møntens navn: “LØN” angivet. På de to yderste bladflige er placeret 2 sym-boler, tv. en strålende sol, der omslutter det indiske ‘ohm’-mærke (ikke at forveksle med det græske omega), og th. en lotusblomst. Ud mod den ophøjede kant findes en perlekreds af ovale perler.

På randen af sølvmønten er indslået: “925”.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 200 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 300,00 – 400,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.

“Den vaskeri coin”


 98 B lon


Fs: Er identisk med nr.: 200 bortset fra årstallet, som her er: “1998”, og der er foretaget en mindre ændring af sneglen. Mønten kaldes “Vaskemønten”, da den er lavet specielt til internt møntvask.

Bs: Er identisk med nr.: 200.

30mm c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

For messing gælder brugsværdien, som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.


“Vogn cykler” løn



202b & c

Fs: I midterfeltet ses en mand på ladcykel (Christianiamodel med kasse). I kassen sidder 2 børn, det ene barn spiller på guitar, og det andet holder om en stang med knop, hvorfra Christianias flag vejer. Omskriften og feltet, hvori denne står, samt kanten er identisk med nr.: 200, men årstallet er: “1999”.

Bs: Bagsiden er stort set identisk med nr.: 200. Men solen er flyttet til højre bladflig, og lotusblomsten er erstattet med et hjerte i en cirkel anbragt i venstre bladflig. Desuden er hjertet på båndet erstattet af den snegl, som prydede møntens forside på de 2 tidligere udgaver (nr.: 200 & 201).


Pedersen Christiania Model

 30mm b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Der findes et prøveeksemplar i sølv (202a).

For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien, som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.


“Fejltagelse” løn


[202.1a, b & c]

Mønten er en kombination af nr.: 202’s forside og nr.: 203’s bagside (se billederne over de respektive numre).

30mm a: Sølv antal: ukendt. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, c: Messing antal: ukendt.

Ingen vurdering. Den oprindelige pris for et sæt med de 3 mønter var: 300,00 kr.


“Solrig penge” løn


 00 C lon

203a, b & c

Fs. I midterfeltet ses et hoved med en kunstfærdig frisure brugt som ornamentik. Hovedet er lavet efter forlæg af Lauri Grundt, en af Christianias mange kunstnere. Kanten og feltet med omskriften er identisk med nr.: 200, dog er årstallet ændret til: “2000”.

Bs. Bagsiden er som bs. af nr.: 202, men uden symboler på bladfligene og 1- tallet er blevet mindre.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 300 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 200,00 – 300,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.


“Den gærdesmutte” løn


 01 B lopn

204a, b & c

Fs: I midterfeltet ses en stiliseret vipstjert med jubilæumsangivelsen “1971 – 2001” skrevet i en kvartcirkel ovenover. Kanten og feltet med omskriften er identisk med nr.: 200, dog er årstallet ændret til: “2001”.

Bs: Bagsiden er identisk med nr.: 203.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 300 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 200,00 – 300,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.

Efter sigende findes der en kombination af 204 (Fs) og 201 (Bs), hvis dette er tilfældet, bør den betegnes som: 204.1a, b eller c.


“Lotusblomst” løn


02 S lon

205a, b & c

Fs: I midterfeltet ses en lotusblomst på en baggrund af Christianshavns silhuet. Kanten og feltet med omskriften er identisk med nr.: 200, dog er årstallet ændret til: “2002”.

Bs: Bagsiden er identisk med nr.: 203.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 300 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 200,00 – 300,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.


“Kærlighed coin” løn

med Kosmisk Morten


03 C lon

206a, b & c

Fs: I midterfeltet ses et nøgent siddende par i en begyndende omfavnelse flankeret af græs og blomster på en baggrund af et tredelt Christianiahus. Kanten og feltet med omskriften er identisk med nr.: 200, dog er årstallet ændret til: “2003”.

Bs: Bagsiden er identisk med nr.: 203.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 300 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 200,00 – 300,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.


“Offentlig lys” løn


 04 B lon

207a, b & c

Fs: I midterfeltet ses 3 hatte og en gaslygte. Øverst tv. en høj hat, der hviler på en kvadratisk søjle, som forneden igen hviler på en cylindrisk fod. Øverst th. gaslygten og derunder en blød herrehat med bånd; under hatten ses et stiliseret ansigt. (Motivet er hentet fra en plakat). Nederst tv. en flad stråhat med bånd. Baggrunden foroven er krydsskraveret og forneden plan. Kanten og feltet med omskriften er identisk med nr.: 200, dog er årstallet ændret til: “2004”.

Bs: Bagsiden er identisk med nr.: 203.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 300 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 200,00 – 300,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.


“Dennes masker” løn

med Leif Asterix


 05 C lon B05 S lon F

208a, b & c

Fs: I midterfeltet ses 2 ansigtsmasker, et tårn og en stiliseret fugl, elementer fra den kendte christianiakunstner William Skotte Olsens billeder, som her æres efter sin død. Kanten og feltet med omskriften er identisk med nr.: 200, dog er årstallet ændret til: “2005”.

Bs: Bagsiden er identisk med nr.: 203. På det af mig kendte eksemplar, er bagsiden af sølvmønten roteret 180 grader i forhold til forsiden.

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 300 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

Prisen på sølvmønten: 200,00 – 300,00 kr, OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en mønt i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere. For kobber og messing gælder brugsværdien., som er 50 kr. I ucirkuleret stand kan højere pris opnås.

° ° °


Erindringsmedaljer 3


Medaljør: Bent Jensen.






Fs: I midten ses en silhuet af huse på Christiania under en regnbue. Under disse står årstallet: “1977” og derunder er placeret 3 prikker. Langs den smalle kant foroven står “CHRISTIANIA” og forneden: “DANMARK” i omskrift. Kanten er svagt ophøjet.

Bs: Øverst ses en stjerne, og herunder står: “CHRISTIANIA” i en halvcirkel; midt under halvcirklen er placeret et stort 6-tal. Nederst findes indskriften: “AAR”. På sølvmønten er indslået lødigheden: “925 S”.

40,5mm a: Sølv antal: flere end 100. b: Kobber antal: flere end 100.

Pris a: 900,00 kr. b: 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.











Medaljen er stort set identisk med nr.: 250. Forskellen består i, at der på bagsiden er tilføjet 2 udad skråtstillede flag på stænger, disse flankerer 6- tallet. Begge faneduge vender væk fra 6-tallet. I modsætning til nr.: 250 er lødigheden ikke angivet.

a1 og b1 er rene metalmønter, hvorimod a2 og b2 er påført farvet emalje på visse steder.

Regnbuen har farverne gul yderst dernæst rød og inderst blå. Flagene er røde og stjernen gul. Stemplerne til a2/b2 har ikke samme diameter (ca. 0,5mm ́s forskel), randen er derfor i 2 niveauer. Der kendes ca. 30 emaljerede eksemplarer (a2 & b2, 15 af hver).

40,5mm a1: Sølv antal: flere end 100. b1: Kobber antal: flere end 100.

Pris a1: 800,00 kr. a2: ingen vurdering. b1: 500,00 kr. b2: ingen vurdering. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



252 s & b

252a & b

Fs. I midterfeltet ses et hampeblad, med jubilæumsangivelsen: “10 år” (‘10’ i konturskrift) placeret på midterste bladflig (‘10’ med ‘år’ nedenunder). Langs den brede ophøjede kant læses omskriften: “1971 FRISTADEN 1981 CHRISTIANIA”.

Bs. I midterfeltet øverst ses København i stiliseret silhuet, nedenunder er th. placeret en stor og en lille lotusblomst, og tv. derfor findes indskriften: “1981 10 år” i 2 linier.

Medaljens rand er nummereret.

35,5mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 100 stk. b: Kobber antal: ca. 200 stk.

Pris a: 1000,00 kr. b: 600,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en medalje i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

° ° °



Medaljør: Bent Jensen.


280 a & b

 280a & b


Fs: I midten ses årstallet: “1976” under en regnbue og derunder 3 stjerner. Stjernerne fuldfører regnbuens cirkel. Foroven langs den ophøjede kant står: “REGNBUETRÆF” i omskrift med fede typer i konturskrift. Forneden står: “CHRISTIANIA” ligeledes i omskrift. I hver side findes en lille cirkel som skillemærke..

Bs: Blank og plan.

45mm kobber (a) og messing (b) antal: ukendt men få.

Pris: ingen vurdering.




Fs. Mærket er identisk med nr.: 280b, men er farvelagt. Omskriften “REGNBUETRÆF” er blå. Regnbuen er fra oven og nedefter: rød, orange og grøn. “1976”, de 3 stjerner og “CHRISTIANIA” er uden farve. Baggrunden er sølvfarvet.

Bs. Blank og plan.

45mm farvet messing antal: ukendt men få.

Pris: 1000,00 – 1200 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for et mærke i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

° ° °





Fs. Poletten har et hul foroven. 3 gule cirkler (3,6mm) er centralt placeret og deler indskriften: “Bevar” (øverst), “Christiania” (nederst) i gul skrift med blank kontur. Hullet og de gule cirkler har ophøjet, blank afgrænsning. Kanten er ophøjet og blank. Baggrunden er rød.

Bs. 3 gule cirkler (5,3mm) ses på rød baggrund. Kanten, hullets og cirklernes afgrænsninger er blanke. Baggrunden er rød.

23,3mm med 3mm hul foroven. Farvet jern antal: ukendt men mange. Fremstillet af 3DP Steka reklame aps.

Pris: 20,00 kr.



Fs. Polettens forside er som nr.: 300, men de gule cirkler er større (4,8mm), og den øverste indskrift er ændret til “Forsvar”. Baggrundsfarven er ændret til orangerød.

Bs. På en blank baggrund 2 figurer: et gult ‘I’,og et rødt hjerte ‘©’. Begge med blank kontur og under disse indskriften: “Christiania” i gul skrift med blank kontur. Hullet og kanten er som på nr.:300.

23,3mm med 3mm hul foroven. Farvet jern antal: ukendt men mange. Fremstillet af 3DP Steka reklame aps.

Pris: 20,00 kr.




Fs. Poletten er næsten identisk med nr.: 300, men de gule cirkler er ligesom nr.:301 større (4,8mm), hvorfor indskriften: “Bevar” er hævet op mod hullet foroven. Baggrundsfarven er rød.

Bs. Bagsiden er identisk med nr.: 300.

Størrelse, materiale, fabrikant og pris: som nr. 300.

° ° °






Fs: Fra midten og ned ses et hampeblad, over dette langs kanten findes omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA”. Kanten er ophøjet.

Bs: I midten står indskriften: “NEMO” i fed skrift (roteret 180o).

25,5mm Messing antal: ukendt. Fremstillet hos JK Automater, Thisted.

Pris: 20,00 kr, som er brugsværdien i caféen.



Fs: Møntens forside er identisk med bagsiden på nr.: 350.

Bs: Bagsiden er lig forsiden, men er roteret 180o.

Mønten anvendtes i Bistroen, men blev senere erstattet af nr.: 352.

25,5mm Messing antal: ukendt, men mange. Fremstillet hos JK Automater, Thisted.

Pris: 20,00 kr.





Fs. I midterfeltet ses en ørn med opadstræbende spidse vinger. Langs kanten, som er smal, står omskriften: “EUROCOIN LONDON” adskilt af 2 x 4 5- takkede stjerner.

Bs. Bagsiden er lig forsiden.

Mønten er udgået.

28,5mm Forniklet umagnetisk metal antagelig messing.

Antal: ukendt men mange.

Pris: 20,00 kr.





Fs: Mønten er uden tekst, men har en messingkerne indsat i forniklet jern. Kanten er ophøjet og smal.

Bs: Bagsiden er lig forsiden.

22,8mm. Mønten har været anvendt i Cafe Oasen, og er fremstillet hos JK Automater, Thisted. Antal: ukendt men mange.

Mønten er udgået.

Pris: 10,00 kr.

° ° °




1 RBD.



(Reduceret størrelse.)



5 RBD.



(Reduceret størrelse)


Omtale af katalog nr.: 400, 1 RBD, s. 51.

Sedlens grundfarve er gul, og dens valør: 1 RBD.

Fs. I bånd foroven og forneden findes et mønster i sort, bestående af 2 elementer, en 8-bladet blomst og hvad, der kan beskrives, som “2 x væltede ‘s’-er i parenteser”. I centrum ses et felt med værdiangivelsen: “1” omgivet af et ovalt mønster af blomster og parenteser i ornament. I venstre side er afbildet en fabrik med rygende skorstene og i højre side. et landskab med agerbrug. En regnbue, der hvælver sig henover centerfiguren, forbinder de to sider som symbol for samhørigheden mellem industri og agerbrug. Regnbuen består af 4 farver: øverst gul dernæst rød, blå og grøn. I venstre hjørne under det øverste bånd står “RBD” med 3 streger under. Betydningen af disse 3 bogstaver står at læse over det nederste bånd: “REGNBUEDALERE”.

Bs. Foroven og forneden gentages båndene fra forsiden. Indenfor disse bånd ses i 4 hjørner det centrale felt fra forsidens midte gentaget i mindre format. I midten er afbildet et egetræ, og th. og tv. for dette ses teksten “For et pengeløst samfund”. Over egetræet findes indskriften: “REGNBUEDALERE” og under dette: “Charlottenborg 15.4. – 30.4. – 1977”.

Antal: ukendt.

Pris: 50,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en seddel i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.

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Omtale af katalog nr.: 401, 5 RBD, s. 52.

Sedlens grundfarve er blå og dens valør: 5 RBD, ellers er den identisk med nr.: 400.

Antal: ukendt.

Pris: 50,00 kr. OBS: Prisen er forhandlerens salgspris for en seddel i fin stand, forhandlerens købspris er lavere.



10 RBD.



(Reduceret størrelse)

Sedlens grundfarve er rød og dens valør: 10 RBD, ellers er den identisk med nr.: 400.

Antal: ukendt. Pris: som nr.: 400.





(Reduceret størrelse)

Omtale af katalog nr.: 410, s. 55.

Denne flerfarvede seddel er et ombytningscertifikat. Oprindelsen kendes ikke.

Fs. Foroven og forneden ses i stregtegning billeder af nøgne mennesker og fugle. I venstre side er afbildet en hanplante og i højre side en hunplante af canabis sativa (hash). Baggrundsfarven er hvid.

I midten findes en sort rektangulær ramme med et blad udenfor og et indenfor i hvert hjørne. Indenfor rammen, hvis baggrundsfarve er mørkeblå, ses øverst 2 fugle og herunder teksten: “International Direkt Action Group” på en bølgelinie mellem 2 ‘blæksprutter’ med ornamentik. Midt under bølgelinien står med store typer: “SFH”; ud for ‘blæksprutten’ tv. står på en linie et serienummer: “5268044”, tilsvarende står th. en dato: “08 07 1978” ligeledes på en linie. Under “SFH” og tallene ses 5 hvide fugle, fuglen i midten er større end de andre. Under fuglene findes i midten en femtakket stjerne omgivet af hampeblade anvendt som ornament. Tv. mellem blade, der danner en lyre står: “1 Gram”, og i en tilsvarende figur th.: “25 KR”. Under henholdsvis “1 Gram” og “25 KR” ses en stjerne og en fugl. I midten forneden findes en oval omgivet af et arrangement af røde og gule bånd. I ovalen ses en sol bag hampeblade og derunder: “SFH” med små typer. Nederst i midten på lysegrøn baggrund ses teksten: “Dette certificat kan indløses med 1 gram dansk hash 1. kvalitet, den dag frigivelsen er en realitet. Stat & Kommunetakst ikke inkluderet”

Bs. Blank

Antal: ukendt, men på

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180 & 180.1

Jeg er efter redaktionens slutning kommet i besiddelse af Christiania Sportsklubs nøglering, som også findes som medalje. Medaljen (180)/nøgleringen (180.1) er tegnet af Noah Müller, Henrik Madsen og Werner Huusfeldt i fællesskab og udført af guldsmeden Morten Hilbert.

Fs: I midterfeltet findes med store konturbogstaver: “CSC” over en fredsdue, hvis hale adskiller omskriften: “CHRISTIANIA SPORTSCLUB”. Optil findes 2 x 3 buelinier adskildt af 3 cirkler (Christianias symbol).

Bs: I midterfeltet er afbildet et hampeblad. Langs kanten findes 2 gange indskriften: “YOU NEVER SMOKE ALONE” adskilt af 2 x 3 cirkler.

33mm Sølv antal: medaljen: 25 stk./nøglering: 25 stk. Der findes desuden eksemplarer i guld af forskellig lødighed (antal: under 10). Det er planlagt at udgive flere medaljer/nøgleringe i sølv.

Blank Antal: ukendt, men få. Pris: ingen vurdering

Købt for 400,00 kr.

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13a & b

Vagn Sorento har netop udgivet “1 FED” for året 2006.

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Efter sigende skal der i 2001 være udgivet et smykke i sølv og guld, hvor motivet er Christianias hovedindgang. Jeg har ingen oplysninger om denne udgivelse.

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Der er udkommet en ny vognpolet, som i farve er lig nr.: 301 (orangerød), og hvor teksten er som på nr.: 300 & 302, men med en anden skrifttype (i kursiv). De gule cirkler på forside og bagside er ens (4.8mm).

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209a, b & c “1 LØN” udgivet 2006.

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(Reduceret størrelse)

3 kr – seddel

Disse 2 “pengesedler” på hhv. 3 kr.(nr.: 420, lyserød) og 4 kr. 421, blågrøn) har øjensynligt været anvendt som betalings-middel i ugen: man. d. 7/8 – søn. d. 13/8 1978.




(Reduceret størrelse)

4 kr – seddel

Da sedlerne generelt har hvid baggrund uden egentlig kant og i øvrigt er uregelmæssigt afskårne, er disse gengivet på sort baggrund.

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Tillæg & rettelser

december 2008




m. m.

1971 − 2005


P. g. a. underskud på mit katalog indskrænker jeg dette tillæg til en liste uden billeder over udgivelser, som er fremkommet siden kataloget blev færdiggjort.

Underskuddet får mig til at udtrykke min forargelse over de folketingsmedlemmer, der stemte for konfiskation af bibliotekspenge under en vis størrelse. Jeg anser konfiska- tionen for tyveri, og det vil sikkert afholde andre “små forfattere” fra at udgive deres værker.

Udover de i listen nævnte mønter etc. vil jeg gøre opmærksom på, at der er udkommet en del støttemærker – de såkaldte “Christiania-frimærker” i tidens løb. Hvis jeg på et senere tidspunkt skulle få råd til at udgive en del 2 af kataloget, vil disse blive katalogiserede.

Ligeledes vil poletter og sedler blive bedre beskrevet end i denne liste.

Flemming Hansen

December 2008


Regnbuedalerne, nr 400 – 402:

Rettelse til side 5 afsnittet om SEDLERNE:

Det er siden udgivelsen blevet mig fortalt, at sedlerne blev anvendt

som betaling i baren ved arrangementet på Charlottenborg.

“1 F E D”

Medaljør: Vagn Sorento Dichmann.

14a & b

Vagn Sorento har i år udgivet en ny “1 FED” årstal 2008 i henholdsvis sølv & kobber.


Christianias Sports Club har udgivet en sølvmønt (vistnok også som  nøglevedhæng) i anledning af dennes jubilæum 2007.

Motiv: “Sportstrøje” påtrykt: “25”. Ukendt oplag men lille.

 “1 L Ø N”

Medaljør: Bent Jensen.

200a, b & c

Motiv: “Sneglen”

30mm a: Sølv antal: 469 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange

c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.


30mm c: Messing antal: ca. 400 stk.

202b & c

Motiv: “Cykelvognen”

30mm b: Kobber antal: ca. 400 stk. c: Messing antal: ca. 400 stk

203a, b & c

Motiv: “Solmønten”

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men mange

c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

204a, b & c

Motivet er: “Gærdesmutte” og ikke en Vipstjert.

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet antal: ca. 540 stk.

205a, b & c

Motiv: “Lotusblomsten”

30mm a: Sølv antal: ca. 100 stk. b: Kobber antal: ukendt, men

mange c: Messing antal: ukendt, men mange.

206a, b & c

Motiv: “Kærlighedsmønten” v/ Kosmiske Morten.

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet antal: ca. 400 stk.

207a, b & c

Motiv: “Byens Lys” v/ Sven Åge.

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet antal:

ca. 400 stk.

208a, b & c

Motiv: “Maskerne” v/ Leif Asterix.

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet ca. 400 stk.

209a, b & c

Motiv: “Bananen”, 3 CA-huse set fra oven, bl.a. Bananhuset v/ Anders Mønt.

udgivet år: 2006 (Normaludgave af “1 LØN”).

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet ca. 400 stk.

210a, b & c

Speciel Jubilæumsudgivelse af “1 LØN”, udgivet år: 2006.

Motiv: “Den grå Hal” v/ Nis Jensen.

30mm a: Sølv antal: 100 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet ca. 400 stk.

211a, b & c

Motiv: “Befri Naturen” v/ Leif Asterix & Henrik Schütze.

udgivet år: 2007 (Normaludgave af “1 LØN”)

30mm a: Sølv antal: 125 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet ca. 400 stk.

212a, b & c

Motiv: “Pyramiden” – Helges pyramide.

udgivet år: 2008 (Normaludgave af “1 LØN”)

30mm a: Sølv antal: 125 stk. b: Kobber & c: Messing samlet ca. 400 stk.



Der er udgivet mindst 5 nye vognpoletter, hvoraf 1 er i 20-kroners størrelse.


422 – 429

Disse katalognumre reserveres, ifald der dukker andre sedler op, som svarer til 420 & 421



I perioden 2000 – 08 er der udgivet sedler mærket: “GØGLER-GÆLD”. I perioden 2000 – 07 er der udgivet 2 sedler pr. år; i 2008 er der udgivet 3 sedler.


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Vagn Sorento Dichmann <>,

Flemming Hansen <>,

CJ Hinke <>,

Chaim Dov Shiboleth <>, <>

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